

Illinois Chapter of NENA

Minutes of the General Membership Meeting

The Annual General Membership Meeting of INENA was called to order by President Norman Forshee at 4:05 p.m. at the Decatur Holiday Inn in Decatur, Illinois. 

OFFICER’S PRESENT: President Norman Forshee, Vice President David Whipple,Secretary Charlene Davis, NENA Regional Vice President Ron Bonneau, INENA Regional Vice Presidents: 1(One) Douglas Edmonds, 2(Two) Jerry Bleck, 3(Three) Richard Jones, 4 (Four) Stephen Hullcranz, 5(Five) Shirley Schable, 6(Six) Becky Jungmann, and 8(Eight) Victoria Cerinich. 

OFFICER’S ABSENT: INENA Region 7(Seven) Vice President Brian Campbell .

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APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The motion was made by Ron Bonneau and second by Bob Mohr to approve the minutes of the September 5, 1996, General Membership meeting. The motion was approved unanimously 

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TREASURER’S REPORT: Mike Midiri (Acting Treasurer) reported to the membership the current balance is $9,902.97. The motion was made by David Whipple and second by Richard Tuma to approve the Treasurer’s Report. The motion passed unanimously.

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NATIONAL REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT (Ron Bonneau): Ron advised the membership he had just returned from a National Winter Seminar where discussion took place onthe overall value National is providing to their membership. Ron also advised the membership theFCC is swamped with issues and is seeking relief from local entities.

John Hobson (NENA Attorney) is continuing to represent the membership on Wireless and PS/ALI issues. 

Ron asked those present if they would be interested in subscribing to a White Page technical resource guide? 

A National recognition program has been initiated at the state level for recipients of the State Excellence Award.

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Region I: Douglas Edmonds -No Report 

Region II: Jerry Bleck -No Report 

Region III: Richard Jones – Region III met on September 25, 1996. The main topics of discussion were the 9-1-1 Wireless issue and the 9-1-1 Wireless petitions. 

Region IV: Stephen Hullcranz – No Report  

Region V: Shirley Schable – No Report 

Region VI: Becky Jungmann – No Report 

Region VII: Brian Campbell – No Report 

Region VIII: Victoria Cerinich -Victoria informed the membership an IREACH meeting has been scheduled for January 22, 1996, at METCAD, 1905 East Main, Urbana, IL. . 

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TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE (Rick Jones): Rick advised the membership the wireless issue is much more complicated than one can imagine. Rick encouraged the membership to review any/all literature and pending legislation regarding this subject.

 LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE ( David Whipple): David informed the membership theorganization has spent several years trying to get “wireless legislation” on the books. David provided an overview of steps that have been taken to date to get this before the legislators. David distributed copies of the pending legislation and stressed to the membership that the current bill is the “best bill available”. The passage of this bill this veto session is the goal. 

President Forshee stated the importance of the organization remaining united on this issue. The petitions distributed at the September 5, 1996, meeting must be returned to either his office or David Whipples’ no later than October 31, 1996. 

TRAINING COMMITTEE (Sandy Stansell): The current project, development of “Public Safety Telecommunicator Training and Standards”, has been completed. Sandy thanked everyone for their input and support. Sandy wants the committee to remain open and is ready for another assignment. 

CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (Kathy Monken): Kathy thanked her Committee Chairpersons and Members for all their help in preparing for this successful conference:

Greg Riddle – Speakers

Richard Tuma – Vendors

Tammy Peterson and Jerry Bleck – Registration

Rich Bauer – Financial, Doug Edmonds – Programs

Ron Bloom – Awards

Dave Whipple – Entertainment “Golf”

Shirley Schable – INENA Sales

Kathy sends a special “Thanks” to all Vendors and Members, without you there would not have been a conference. The committee has no financial results at this time but will be meeting to discuss the conference results at a later date.  

RECORDS COMMITTEE (Douglas Edmonds): No Report

 NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE (Ron Bloom): Ron asked the membership to provide input and suggestions to this committee for the coming year.

 ELECTION COMMITTEE (Richard Tuma): Richard Tuma provided the membership with results of the INENA 1997 Election results. The results are as follows: 

President – Norman Forshee 

Vice President – David Whipple 

Treasurer – Mike Midiri 

Secretary – Charlene Davis 

Regional Vice Presidents 

Region I – Douglas Edmonds 

Region II – Jerry Bleck 

Region III – Richard Jones 

Region IV – David Tuttle 

Region V – Shirley Schable 

Region VI – Becky Jungmann 

Region VII – Scott Sylvester 

Region VIII – Victoria Cerinich

 ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION ( Marci Schroll): Marci advised the membership the annual Status Report will be distributed later this year. 

ILLINOIS TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION (Debbie Prather): Debbie informed the membership the 9-1-1 Subcommittee is working on recommendations for changes to Part 725. 

VENDORS: (Richard Tuma): No Report

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President Forshee advised the membership the Illinois Nena Home Page will be available very soon! President Forshee requested support from NENA Regional Vice President Ron Bonneau to finalize some last minute details. 

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President Forshee stated the membership will be pursuing reopening Part 725 with the Illinois Commerce Commission. 

The 1997 Annual INENA conference site will be in Decatur, Illinois at the Decatur Holiday Inn.

President Forshee thanked each and every member for their presence and participation in this years extremely successful conference.

 Attorney John Kelly provided the membership with a report on the results of a meeting in Washington, D.C. with National NENA attorney, John Hobson ,Ameritech Product Manager, Ron Bloom and other vendors regarding the PS/ALI issue. The purpose of the meeting was to bring all of the entities together to discuss this issue in depth. The meeting accomplished two (2) points;

1) Public Safety gained an understanding of the objections voiced by businesses regarding cost, and what size PBX needs this service?

2) the lines of communication between business and public safety were opened. Mr. Kelly thanked the NENA and INENA membership for their support on this issue.


President Forshee advised the membership based on this meeting, three (3) things needed to be done:

1) Decide as an organization whether we continue to support this type of act.

2) If the answer is yes, collect PS/ALI data on a local basis.

3) Problems solved by local entities must be accepted. 

Doug Edmonds will be the “clearing house” for all data regarding PS/ALI issues. President Forshee and Doug have requested the information collected be documented and submitted as soon after the incident as possible. This will ensure detailed accuracy of the occurrence. 

President Forshee informed the membership the date for returning the “Wireless Petitions” has been extended to November 1, 1996.

The motion was made by Richard Tuma and seconded by Bob Mohr to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

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INENA Executive Board Meeting

February 6, 1997 10:30 AM

Osborn Room – Bloomington Police Department

109 East Olive Street, Bloomington, Illinois

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