

July 11, 2002

President Michael A. Midiri called the General Membership Meeting of INENA to order at 10:30 A.M. at the Gateway Conference Center, Peoria, IL. 


Michael Midiri (President), David Tuttle (Vice President), Bobette Benson (Secretary), Jerry Bleck (Region 2, Vice President), Vickie Leibach (Region 4, Vice President), Marci Schroll (Region 5, Vice President), and Kathy Monken (Region 6, Vice President). 


John Kelly (Treasurer), Douglas Edmonds (Region 1, Vice President), Sandy Beitel (Region 3, Vice President), Ken Smith (Region 7, Vice President), and Jeff Rodrigues (Region 8, Vice President). 

APPROVAL OF INENA MINUTES:  The minutes were amended to correct the spelling of Pat Lustig’s last name and Harland Hector’s first name.  The motion was made by Ron Bonneau and seconded by Norm Forshee to approve the INENA minutes for May 2, 2002.  The motion passed unanimously.   

TREASURER’S REPORT (John Kelly):  There is $2,279.22 in the education account, $53,651.05 in the general account, $13,352.45 and $11,334.58 in CD’s.   The motion was made by Larry Maddox and seconded by Harland Hector to accept the treasurer’s report.  The motion passed unanimously. 

NENA REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT (Ron Bonneau):  Stephen Seitz has been hired by NENA as the Governmental Affairs Director.  He advises politics is all local and he is willing to help on the Chapter level.  Mr. Seitz would like to learn who to contact.  The NENA registry has had some problems.  The Illinois Chapter booth at NENA went very well. 

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT (David Tuttle):  No Report 

SECRETARY’S REPORT (Bobette Benson):  No Report 


Region 1 (Doug Edmonds)                Absent

Region 2 (Jerry Bleck)                No Report

Region 3 (Sandy Beitel)                Absent

Region 4 (Vickie Leibach)                No Report

Region 5 (Marci Schroll)                No Report

Region 6 (Kathy Monken)                Having a coordinators meeting scheduled for July 18, 2002.

Region 7 (Ken Smith)                Absent

Region 8 (Jeff Rodrigues)                Absent

TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (Richard Jones):  Discussed the issue of wireless default routing.  The carrier needs a default number to route calls to.  The need comes from new towers, which are not in the database yet.  Discussed non-initialized phones or unregistered phones.  There is a move to deliver 911 and the last 7 digits of the 10 digit serial numbers when a call is received from one of these phones.  Implementation may be this year. 

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE (Norm Forshee):   Discussed the meeting in Indiana with SBC/Americtech reference Phase II tariffs.  Several counties have been told they would not move to Phase II until a tariff is received from ICC.  They will file tariff on 8/23/02.  It could take 45 days.  They will not provide Phase II service unless ICC forces them to.  Bond and Peoria Counties are filing fast track complaints with the FCC.

A motion for INENA to support any ETSB or 911 System that wishes to pursue action through Fast Track complaints at the State or Federal level was made by Ray Romine and seconded by Rich Tuma.  Such support as may include the employment of Jim Hobson through John Kelly and attendance at meetings and/or hearings if necessary with the approval of the legislative committee.  The motion passed unanimously.                                                               

CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (Kathy Monken):  Encouraged members to use the Hilton for lodging if you will be attending the entire

Conference.  Kevin Willett will present training on handling School Violence.  Tuesday, Steve Souder will speak.  Mr. Souder handled the Pentagon crisis.  Wednesday, the Representative from New York will speak. 

NOMINATION COMMITTEE (Norm Forshee):  Norm Forshee opened the floor for nominations to the INENA Officers positions for

the year 2002-2003.  Mike Midiri was nominated for President, David Tuttle for Vice President, John Kelly for Treasurer, Bobette Benson for Secretary, Doug Edmonds for Region 1 VP, Jerry Bleck for Region 2 VP, Doug Miller was nominated for Region 3 VP by Shelley Dallas and seconded by Bill Janes.  Vickie Leibach was nominated for Region 4 VP, Marci Schroll for Region 5 VP, Kathy Monken for Region 6 VP, Pat Lustig for Region 7 VP, and Jeff Rodrigues for Region 8 VP.  The motion to close the nominations was made by Kathy Monken and seconded by Rich Tuma.  The motion passed unanimously.

   ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION (Rick Gasparin):   Reported on the re-write of Part 725.  Rick’s committee is still working on the issue of different premise addresses (DPA).  ICC hopes to have the final draft prepared by October.  Rick advised the membership he is taking advantage of the early retirement program being offered by the State of Illinois.  Rick will retire on August 2, 2002.  Please support Marci Schroll to replace Rick in the ICC.  Send your letters of support to Rick and he will forward them to the proper persons at the ICC.

 ILLINOIS TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION (Carol Wagner):  Discussed the change in the PBX Centrex surcharge ratio.  Considering  ways for different premise addresses to be automated so it can be seen when the call is received.  Companies are attempting to identify who the customers are that have this feature.  Call Boxes continue to be a concern and no alternative is available at this time.

 CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE (Steve Wieland):  CMS is getting cost recovery bills from carriers so they may be calling systems for information.  Some of the bills are per PSAP or number of towers.  There is no cost recovery for Phase Zero so keep track of ‘live’ dates.  Systems are still receiving checks indicating partial payment.


Mark Peysakhovich:  Lobbyist for the American Heart Association spoke regarding his very high interest in 911 issues.


 OLD BUSINESS (Rick Jones):   Discussed wireline incumbent carriers having long distance granted them or applications pending in a number of states across the country.  To get those, they have to prove they are not anti-competitive.  Rick suggests the Illinois Chapter officially ask NENA in any state where a 911 service provider is delaying Phase II implementation or their part of it that NENA file with that states Utility Commission and the wireline part of the FCC as an anti-competition issue.

 PROGRAM TOPIC:  How dispatch can help the successful prosecution of criminal cases by the Honorable Justice Sue E. Myerscough, Appellate judge for the 4th District.  Stressed dispatch information must be Reliable and Sufficient.

 The motion to adjourn was made by Rich Tuma and seconded by Kathy Monken.  The motion passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 11:55 P.M.