


JULY 9, 1998


David C. Whipple (INENA President), Ron Bonneau (NENA Regional VicePresident), Rick Jones ( Vice President), Charlene Davis (Secretary), Douglas Edmonds(Region 1, Vice President), Jerry Bleck (Region 2, Vice President), Sandy Beitel (Region3, Vice President), David Tuttle (Region 4, Vice President), Shirley Schable (Region 5,Vice President), Norman H. Forshee (Region 6, Vice President).


Michael Midiri Jr. (Treasurer), Scott Sylvester (Region 7, VicePresident), Jeff Rodrigues (Region 8, Vice President).

The General Membership Meeting of INENA was called to order bySecretary, Charlene Davis at 10:35 A.M. at the Bloomington Public Library in Bloomington,Illinois.


A motion was made by Ron Bonneau, NENA Regional Vice President andseconded by Sandy Beitel to approve the May 7, 1998 General Membership Meeting. The motionpassed unanimously.


Norman Forshee advised the membership he had advised the ExecutiveBoard and the membership that should he have funds left from the National NENA campaignfor 2nd. Vice President he would transfer those funds back into INENA?sGeneral Fund. The amount to be transfered was $3,034.00. A motion was made by TheresaPodschweit and seconded by Gene Valentine to approve the report. The motion passedunanimously.

Norman Forshee informed the membership of the following accountbalances; INENA General Fund – $18,463.43, INENA Educational Fund – $2,535.73 and INENAElection Fund – $3,234.71. A motion was made by Thresea Podschweit and seconded by GeneValentine to appove the Treasurer?s Report. The motion passed unanimously.


Vice President, Rick Jones informed the membership, Region 6 VicePresident, Norman Forshee has resigned his position. President Whipple has appointed KathyMonken to the position for the remainder of this years term.

Installation proceedings took place for the following INENA 1998Officers; Shirley Schable (Region 5, Vice President) and Kathy Monken (Region 6, VicePresident).

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Ron Bonneau informed the that membership Norman Forshee was electedNational NENA 2nd Vice President.

National NENA also has a Technical Representative named S. RobertMiller.

Ron advised the membership National NENA has hired a search firm fromWashington, D. C. to provide a recommendation to the Executive Board for the ExecutiveDirector position.

The location of the Executive Office has been delayed until thedirector has been selected.

Norman Forshee expressed his thanks to the membership for there supportduring his election champaign.

Norm advised the membership that during his first year, he will pursuethe following issues; 1) where do we stand as a region with regard to goals andaccomplishments, 2) what, if any, changes can be made to the election ballot collectionprocess and 3) what can be done to improve overall membership participation (i.e.elections).

Ron is concerned that less than 20% of the National membership votedthis year. He asked the INENA membership for recommendations on increasing membershipinterest in the organization.

Ron encouraged the membership to access the NENA website.

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Region 1 Doug Edmonds No Report

Region 2 Jerry Bleck No Report

Region 3 Sandy Beitel Regional meeting is scheduled for 08/16/98 at theOgle County Sheriff?s

Region 4 David Tuttle No Report

Region 5 Shirley Schable No Report

Region 6 Kathy Monken Regional meeting is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on08/25/98 at the St. Clair

County Board Room, Belleville, IL.

Region 7 Scott Sylvester No Report

Region 8 Jeff Rodrigues No Report

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TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (Rick Jones/Harland Hector Sr.) :

No Report


Norm advised the membership the “draft” legislation nowprovides for the Sheriff?s Association to act as the overseer of the wirelesssurcharge funds. The distribution of the funds will be by zip code and the status of thecollection will be conducted on a yearly basis Vs every 2 (two) years.

The tax status issue is still undetermined.


Kathy reminded the membership the Annual conference is scheduled forOctober 25 – October 28, 1998 in Decatur, Illinois at the Decatur Holiday Inn.Registration packets have been mailed. If anyone has not received a registration packetplease notify Kathy Monken (618) 277-7316 or Tammy Peterson (815) 937-3915

There are 16 vendors and 150 of the 300 hotel rooms reserved. All ofthe “break out” sessions have been determined. The hotel usually sells out bySeptember 1st. Kathy urged the membership to make their reservations.

If anyone would like to help with registration contact Tammy Peterson(815) 937-3915 or assist in providing vendor security please contact Jeff Rodrigues(312)/746-9264.

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RECORDS (Douglas Edmonds) :

No Report


Jerry reminded the membership to check there May minutes for the AwardsNomination sheet. Jerry?s subcommittee includes David Tuttle and Larry Maddox.

Jerry asked the membership to please take time and contemplate if thereis a deserving employee in there organization and if so, please complete the nominationsform and mail or fax it to his attention. (See Enclosed Nomination Form).


Nominations Committee Chairman, Norm Forshee submitted the 1998 slateof INENA officers. The slate is as follows:

President David C. Whipple

Vice President Rick Jones

Secretary Vicki Liebach

Treasurer Michael Midiri

Region 1 Vice President Douglas Edmonds

Region 2 Vice President Jerry Bleck

Region 3 Vice President Sandy Bietel

Region 4 Vice President David Tuttle

Region 5 Vice President David Thomas

Region 6 Vice President Kathy Monken

Region 7 Vice President Scott Sylvester (?)

Region 8 Vice President Jeff Rodrigues (?)

Vice President, Rick Jones, called for nominations from the floor.There were no nominations from the floor. A motion was made by Richard Gragert andseconded by Ron Bonneau to close the nominations. The motion passed unanimously.

Rick advised the membership nominations from the floor will be calledfor the last time at the September 3, 1998 General Membership meeting.

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BY-LAWS COMMITTEE (Norm Forshee) :

No Report


Jerry Bleck informed the membership the Historical Committee hasconducted 2 (two) meetings. The subcommittee is considering creating an exhibit ofhardware, software, pictures etc. There is also discussion regarding archiving INENAinformation at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois. The same location as APCO. Ifanyone has any memorabilia please contact any of the subcommittee members (Mike Moos(chairman), Jerry Bleck, Marci Schroll and Charlene Davis).


Deb informed the membership there website address is; www.icc.state.il.us.The site contains the yearly status report as well as Part 725 minutes for yourreview.

Deb stated the new Status Report will be mailed and available on theirweb site, July 10, 1998. Additional copies of the Status Report are available through theChief Clerks office at $10.00 per copy.

A Part 725 workshop will be scheduled in September. Please providefeedback. This will ensure the finalization process will run smoothly.

The application update status is as follows:


Hearing Date Order Issued

Cumberland County 06/03/98

DuPage (Modified) 07/08/98

Edgar County 06/29/98

Jasper County (Modified) 07/07/98

Kane County (Revised) 06/03/98

Kendall County (Revised) 06/03/98

Perry County 06/15/98

Ameritech (filing as Illinois Bell), was granted a waiver from certainportions of the Part 725 Database report on July 8, 1998. (Docket # 98-0288).

Focal Communications Corp.,Nextlink Illinois, Inc., and MCI MetroAccess Transmission Services, Inc. were granted “authority to operate” on July8, 1998

Allegiance Telecom of Illinois Inc., TCG (Illinois, Chicago and St.Louis, Telident Inc.), Winston Wireless of Illinois, Inc. have filed for temporary callboxwaivers.

Deb stressed to the membership there are still cost concerns regardingdefault routing.

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Carol advised the membership she will be the new 9-1-1 subcommitteechairperson effective July 13, 1998.

Carol informed the membership the PTC (Primary Toll Carrier)elimination hearing is scheduled for July 30, 1998. Twelve systems will be impacted. Theproposed plan will be one of the following; 1) phase out the rate over a 2 (two) yearperiod, 2) phase out the rate based on contract termination with the lead telco or 3)terminate the rate during the years 1999-2000. The systems impacted will be contacted bytheir participating telephone company.

The subcommittee will also conduct the Basic 101 9-1-1 course at thisyears Annual conference.

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No Report

David Whipple sent a letter to the Illinois Dept. of Public Healthrequesting a representative be designated to attend the INENA General Meetings.


Rick Jones informed the membership he has posted information on theNational NENA web page regarding long distance dialing informing them effective July 1,1998, the 3-digit code for long distance companies became a 5-digit code. The first2-digits will be “10”

The City of Chicago will be the first to experience Number Pooling.

Rick stated there is a problem with Number Pooling and Local NumberPortability when determining who owns the telephone number. The Illinois Midwest area isthe only area that has established a method which allows a system to call a toll freenumber, enter a password/pin number and determine whether or not a number has been ported.This method also tells the caller what telephone company owns the telephone number alongwith 24 X 7 telephone office telephone number to obtain additional information on theported number. Law Enforcement agencies are able to go on the INTERNET and register (www.numberpool.com)for a password/pin number. This site is maintained by Lock-Heed Martin and is freeuntil November of this year. This currently applies only to the Chicago Metro Areabut will also include Decatur, Springfield and Champaign. Peoria will be on line in thenear future.

The Technical Conference offered through National NENA will be heldFebruary 28, 1999 -March 3, 1998.

There is a National Critical Issues Forum on Number Portability, hasbeen scheduled for October 27, 1998 (all day) and October 28, 1998 (1/2 day) in Texas.

There will also be third forum held in Atlanta, Georgia in December on9-1-1 Network. The dates have not been finalized at this time.

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Norm Forshee informed the membership there are 3 (three) new ENP?sin the region. They are; Ron Bloom, Ron Bonneau and David Whipple.

Norm stated if 5 (five) or more people want to participate NENA will beable to obtain a special test at one local location. If anyone is interested pleasecontact Norm Forshee. The next test is scheduled for October (must register in August).The NENA board has designated the Sunday afternoon, prior to the National AnnualConference in June 1999, in Charlotte, North Carolina the test will also be administered.


The next INENA General Membership Meeting is scheduled for Thursday,September 3, 1998

at the Bloomington Public Library, 205 E. Olive St., Bloomington,Illinois at 10:30 A.M.

INENA minutes are available on the INTERNET at the following address:


lllinois Commerce Commission website address is:


Number Portability websit address is:


There are 2 (two) General Membership Meetings remaining during the 1998calendar year. Those dates are as follows:

Remaining General Membership Meetings:

September 3, 1998 Bloomington Public Library, 205 E. Olive St.,Bloomington, IL. @ 10:30 A.M.

October 27, 1998 Annual INENA Meeting, Decatur Holiday Inn, Decatur,IL. , 4:00 – 5:00 P.M.

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