



March 7, 2002

President Michael A. Midiri called the General Membership Meeting of INENA to order at 10:30 A.M. at the Bloomington Public Library, Bloomington, Illinois. 


Michael Midiri (President), David Tuttle (Vice President), Bobette Benson (Secretary), Scott Sylvester (Treasurer), Douglas Edmonds (Region 1, Vice President), Jerry Bleck (Region 2, Vice President), Sandy Beitel (Region 3, Vice President), Vickie Leibach (Region 4, Vice President), Marci Schroll (Region 5, Vice President), and Jeff Rodrigues (Region 8, Vice President). 


Kathy Monken (Region 6, Vice President) and Ken Smith (Region 7, Vice President). 

APPROVAL OF INENA MINUTES:  Marty Bausano, St. Clair County requested a correction to the Region 6 report in the January minutes to reflect St. Clair County being ready to test wireless with Sprint rather than US Cellular and to correct the spelling of Verizon.  The motion was made by Norm Forshee and seconded by Jon Cremeens to approve the INENA minutes for January as corrected.  The motion passed unanimously. 

TREASURER’S REPORT (Scott Sylvester):  There is $2,279.22 in the education account, $59,673.28 in the general account $13,352.45 and $11,185.16 in CD’s.   The motion was made by Jon Cremeens and seconded by Vickie Leibach to accept the treasurer’s report.  The motion passed unanimously. 

NENA REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT (Ron Bonneau): We were notified by the U.S. Department of Transportation that NENA will be the point of contact for the I.T.S.  We were awarded the grant.  APCO is providing technical expertise.  The grant will assist the deployment of wireless throughout 50 states. 

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT (David Tuttle):  No Report 

SECRETARY’S REPORT (Bobette Benson):  No Report 


Region 1 (Doug Edmonds)                No Report

Region 2 (Jerry Bleck)                Wireless Phase 1 is in the final stages.  The vendor area for the conference will be on the upper level of the convention center.  A letter will be coming to the vendors by the end of the month.

Region 3 (Sandy Beitel)                Will hold a region meeting at Ogle County in March.

Region 4 (Vickie Leibach)                No Report

Region 5 (Marci Schroll)                No Report

Region 6 (Kathy Monken)                Absent.  Norm Forshee reported a regional meeting was held 1/24/2002 in Effingham, attended by the majority of coordinators.  Another meeting is scheduled for 4/18/2002 in Salem.  Randolph County issues:  1. Express dial tone causing a large number of phony 911 calls.  NENA technical will take a further look at this.  2. Involves wireless and the inability to get wireless Phase I in operation revolving around a small carrier in Southern Illinois.  FCC Fast Track complaints need to be filed.  The carrier claims the Motorola switch makes it impossible to cut a single PSAP at a time, which he states is not true.

Region 7 (Ken Smith)                Absent.

Region 8 (Jeff Rodrigues)                Have 4 carriers Phase I, 3 others in various stages.  Should be fully up by the end of the 2nd quarter.

TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (Richard Jones):  Some PSAPS/911 systems in the Chicago area and the IL side of the St. Louis area may be getting calls from wireless carriers regarding testing on number pooling and portability.  Please cooperate with them.  

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE (Norm Forshee):   Regarding the change in the law which mandates a County Board member on the ETSB in counties who are allowed to have a county board member, we have been advised it is fruitless to pursue changing that issue this year.  We are involved in the update of Part 725.  There is a piece of legislation going through the General Assembly, sponsored by Ameritech that will impact Centrex/PBX surcharge ratio.  Discussion followed.   There is another issue of companies not necessarily receiving correct information from each other concerning MSAG changes.  Norm has asked the ICC to intercede.                                                               

CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (Kathy Monken by Gregg Riddle):  Requests anyone with program ideas or suggestions to contact him.


ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION (Rick Gasparin):   In December the FCC mandated that all communities in the United States that do not have 911 services will have 911 by September 11, 2002. The FCC 911 mandate is fundamentally a call forward arrangement.  In Illinois it affects 26 counties.  By September we will see 3 or 4 of those go to E911.  The requirement to make this happen fall to the telephone companies.  ICC invited the affected counties to a meeting on held on March 5, 2002.  ICC recommends systems reach out to their neighbors who are affected.


Mike Midiri commented that I-NENA is sending a packet of information to the affected counties. 

Deb Prather commented the telephone companies need help with this issue too. 

ILLINOIS TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION (Carol Wagner):  ITA representatives attended the ICC meeting with the counties affected by the FCC mandate and stressed the difference in this type of 911.  Discussion was held regarding HB5709 PBX surcharge ratio change.

CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE (Steve Wieland):  Reported CMS is on schedule with grant disbursements.  CMS is receiving calls asking why it says ‘partial’ on their check.  This is because CMS still does not have all the carriers.  Go to the Web-site and check the carriers.  If they are not all listed you are still missing carrier(s).  Systems should be able to budget off the last check you received. 


OFFICER’S NOMINATIONS:  Vickie Leibach has been appointed to replace Richard Gragert as Region 4 Vice President.  John Kelly has been appointed to replace Scott Sylvester, effective April 1, 2002 as treasurer.  I-NENA wishes Scott the best in his re-location and new ventures. 

NEW BUSINESS:  If you have a child to recommend for the 911 Hero Program, please submit those through your Region VP or to me (Mike Midiri) so they may be forwarded to NENA. 

National asked all chapters participate in the conference with a State booth.  If you will be at national and could offer to help for an hour at the booth, please contact your Region VP to make arrangements.  Illinois will have a Founding Chapter 20th Anniversary pins to hand out to attendees. 

Harland Hector:  Has a video of the WLS presentation on wireless 911 if anyone would like to see it.  Also on 3/6/2002 at 1:35PM Seneca cut over to SS7 reducing call set up time to 4-5 seconds. 

Used equipment availability:  If you have functional/used 911 equipment that could be available to help others, contact your Region VP.  They will put together a listing of equipment for PSAPs that may not be able to afford new equipment.  

Midwest Chapter of the American Heart Association is interested in helping promote 911.  We will have a conference call with them on 3/14/2002.  We are seeking volunteers to attend meetings with representatives of the American Heart Association in various parts of the state.  If you are interested send Norm Forshee e-mail. 

PROGRAM TOPIC:  ‘GIS and Mapping Wireless 911 Caller Locations’ presented by Paul Linnee of GeoComm.  

The motion to adjourn was made by John Cremeens and seconded by Malory Wamsley.  The motion passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned  at 12:35 P.M.