

January 3, 2002

President Michael A. Midiri called the General Membership Meeting of INENA to order at 10:30 A.M. at the Bloomington Police Department in Bloomington, Illinois.

Michael Midiri (President), David Tuttle (Vice President), Bobette Benson (Secretary), Douglas Edmonds (Region 1, Vice President), Jerry Bleck (Region 2, Vice President), Marci Schroll (Region 5, Vice President), Ken Smith (Region 7, Vice President), and Jeff Rodrigues (Region 8, Vice President).

Scott Sylvester (Treasurer), Sandy Beitel (Region 3, Vice President), and Kathy Monken (Region 6, Vice President).
Richard Gragert (Region 4, Vice President Resigned).

APPROVAL OF INENA MINUTES: The motion was made by Ron Bonneau and seconded by Doug Miller to approve the INENA Annual Membership minutes dated October 22, 2001. The motion passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Scott Sylvester): No Report

NENA REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT (Ron Bonneau): Ron Bonneau advised it is possible ComCare grants may be coming; due to the importance of 9-1-1 in Homeland Security. The penalty phase for wireless carriers is approaching. DOT considers wireless 9-1-1 one of top five priorities. The 2002 conference in Indianapolis will be the 20th annual conference. The new e-mail address for Ron Bonneau is: [email protected]
Illinois NENA has 19 new members.

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT (David Tuttle): No Report

SECRETARY’S REPORT (Bobette Benson): No Report

Region 1 (Doug Edmonds) No Report

Region 2 (Jerry Bleck) Wireless Phase 1 is slow. He has 4 live Phase 1 systems.

Region 3 (Sandy Beitel) Absent

Region 4 (Richard Gragert) Resigned

Region 5 (Marci Schroll) No Report

Region 6 (Kathy Monken) Absent. Norm Forshee reported they are not happy with Phase II and have filed 3 complaints. Verison is Phase II and they are ready to test US Cellular.

Region 7 (Ken Smith) Met in December. They are close on wireless but not there yet. Discussed problems with Verizon Express Dial tone giving false information.

Region 8 (Jeff Rodrigues) Have a Phase II kick off meeting with Verizon next week.

OFFICER’S NOMINATIONS: President Midiri advised that due to the resignation of Richard Gragert the membership needs to consider recommending a replacement. The executive board will be considering this at their February meeting.

TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (Richard Jones): Absent

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE (Norm Forshee): Watch for a new bill, which may provide money through the COPS program for 9-1-1. There is no bill number yet. John Kelly needs to review the EMD Bill PA #100 for requirements on PSAPs if you dispatch ambulance services.

CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (Kathy Monken by Gregg Riddle: We did not meet our agreed quota of rooms at the Hilton. $3,100.00 will need to be paid to the Hilton since we did not meet our percentage. The vendor area will be moved to ½ of the convention floor in 2002. The 2001 conference had 795 attendees and 79 vendors. The dates for 2002 are Sunday, October 20, 2002 through Wednesday, October 23, 2002. We must support the conference hotel to help keep expenses down.

ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION (Rick Gasparin: ICC has scheduled a meeting for January 16, 2002 at 10:30 at the University to begin discussion on updates to Part 725. ICC will be making three mailings reference Parts 726 and 727. The Mailings will address non-compliance, regional schools and all other organizations (utilities) under the commission. The annual 9-1-1 audit reports are due January 31, 2002. The new ICC status reports include new legislation.


CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE (Steve Wieland): Reported CMS is now caught up on the disbursement of funds. Some Systems are still seeing ‘partial’ on their check because CMS still does not have all the carriers. Be sure to fill out the quick survey from CMS.

I-NENA Attorney Comments (John Kelly): There is a provision in the AED Act requiring the reporting of AED device location And type to emergency responders. The question comes up as to how to track these locations. Create a file or add the information to the CAD system. The fact that we have the knowledge may create a responsibility. The act does contain
an immunity section.


NEW BUSINESS: The American Heart Association contacted us about wireless 9-1-1 service problems. They want to work with 9-1-1 to help resolve problems. Logan County wants to ‘thank’ CMS for their efforts on wireless surcharge. Doug Miller inquired as to the status of the ‘friendly’ lawsuit discussed in October regarding Conner still taking wireless calls. A system, which is negatively impacted, would have to file the suit and this has not taken place. NENA National sent us a ‘Thank You” for our $5,000 donation to the Emergency Responder Fund. So far $374,000 has been donated by 9-1-1 to the campaign. A Certificate of Appreciation will be sent to Dick Gragert for his dedication to 9-1-1.

PROGRAM TOPIC: ‘Statewide Mutual Aid and Home Land Security” presented by Jay Reardon of MABAS and Tom Zimmerman of I-EMA.

The motion to adjourn was made by Norm Forshee and seconded by Jerry Bleck. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned 12:36 P.M.

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Topic for discussion: Collecting information regarding any type of functional 9-1-1 equipment available for donation or minimal cost to agencies needing equipment.

Topic for discussion: 2002 NENA 9-1-1 Hero Program.