9-1-1 Reports

9-1-1 Reports


(January 2006)
An Emergency Communications Safety Net: Integrating 911 and Other Services: The present capability and future effectiveness of America’s network of emergency telecommunications services are among the issues under review by Congress and other entities.


(September, 2005)
An Emergency Communications Safety Net – Integrating 9-1-1 and Other Services:  Prepared for by the Congressional Research Service, this report reviews key points about the implementation of 9-1-1 and reviews some of the ways in which it might be integrated with existing or envisioned networks or services.

(February, 2004)
State Strategies for Accelerating Enhanced 9-1-1 Implementation: This Issue Brief, prepared by the National Governors Association’s Center for Best Practices, provides Governors with strategies for achieving E9-1-1 implementation. Strategies include:

  • Designate a statewide coordinator who has authority and oversight of resources to effectively implement E9-1-1.
  • Establish a baseline to determine where resources are needed to complete E9-1-1.
  • Identify opportunities to efficiently fund implementation.
  • Provide education and outreach to the public safety  


(November 2003)

America’s 9-1-1 System In Need of Rescue: GAO Says Funding and Coordination Fall Short of Needs; Wireless and Other New Technologies Pose Additional Challenges.  A new report by the investigative arm of Congress says America’s 9-1-1 system is facing many problems and may need a rescue itself.


The report, which can be accessed at www.gao.govcgi-bingetrpt?GAO-04-55) is consistent with the findings of other leading experts and comes in the midst of major Congressional action on the 9-1-1 system. Last week, the House approved a bill that would provide up to $100 million a year in federal matching grants for 9-1-1 system upgrades. A Senate bill providing up to $500 million a year could come to a vote before Congress adjourns for the holidays.