Re: Combined Centers-Law/Fire/EMS


Re: Combined Centers-Law/Fire/EMS

From: Cathy Brogdon, 9-1-1 Director, Quincy/AdamsCounty, Il
Date: 08 Jan 1998
Time: 18:55:32
Remote Name:


Our 9-1-1 Center combined about 9 years ago, and I have beenthere through the whole process. Basically the good and bad is:1) Everyone knows what the other guy is doing,therefore callsthat require a multiple reponse is handled quicker. 2) If youcross train, then scheduling employees is easier, and dispatcherscan back each other up when busy. 3) When you cross train, yourdispatchers who used to be excellant in one area is now adequetein all areas. I think we loose some quality for quantity, so tospeak. 4) Since we combined and became a seperate agency, we feelwe lost the close relationship we had with the departments wework with. On the other hand, we aren’t asked to do thingsoutside the scope of our duties. (ie, strip searching prisoners)

I’m sure there is more, this is what I can think of off thetop of my head. Good Luck.
