Re: Scheduling Problem!


Re: Scheduling Problem!

From: Paul Lane 911 Dispatcher St John’s, Nfld Canada
Date: 26 Nov 1997
Time: 21:13:27
Remote Name:


I feel that the answer to your dilema would be to implement a12 hour shift schedule. I have worked 12 hour shifts for the past9 years and find them great. Not only do they allow you to havemore days off work then an 8 hour shift, but also they give youthe flexibility to conduct personal business during the weekdayswhich you wouldn’t normally have time to do if you were workingduring all the week days. There are a number of variations of the12 hour shift which I have worked. The first is 4 days on (2 dayshifts and 2 night shifts) and 4 days off. Another is based on a4 week cycle and is as follows: week 1 – off M and T, work W andT day shift, off F,S,and S; wk 2- work M and T night, off W andT, work F,S,and S day shift; wk 3 – off M and T, work W and Tnight, off F,S,and S; wk 4 – work M and T day, off W and T, workF,S,and S night. The advantage of this shift is that you getevery second weekend off. The third variation, which I amcurrently working and prefer, is 4 days on (2 days and 2 nights),2 days off, 4 days on (2 days and 2 nights), 6 days off. I preferthis shift because of the 6 days off. Perhaps you should run all3 of these shifts by your dispatchers and see which one theyprefer. All the best.
