Standard verbiage for alarm companies


Standard verbiage for alarm companies

From: Chuck White
Date: 30 Sep 1997
Time: 21:44:02
Remote Name:


I am a Firefighter / Paramedic with the Williamsburg, VirginiaFire Department. I also work part time for a fire and burglaralarm company. Our central station operators have posed aquestion that I hope someone here can answer. Is there a standardphrase to communicate the type of alarm activation? e.g. wemonitor manually activated “panic” alarms for bothresidences and businesses. They may indicate a hold-up inprogress or some other situation where the customer’s safety isthreatened and dialing 911 is not an option. Over the yearsvarious PSAPs have asked us to use phrases like “Policeemergency”, “Panic alarm”, “Duressalarm”, etc. but there continues to be confusion as to whatresponse is indicated.

If anyone out there has any suggestions, please email[email protected].


Chuck White
