Cellular/PCS Customer Service Center


Cellular/PCS Customer Service Center

From: Jay Somerville – Dublin OH Communications
Date: 10 Sep 1997
Time: 14:22:39
Remote Name:


Looking for information from other Communications Centers thathave a cellular/pcs provider that operates a customer servicetelephone center in their jurisdiction that transfers callersfrom their customer service lines to 911. A cellular provider inour area answers all customer service calls for their 4 stateservice area at their local office. If one of those is anemergency call, they “flash” the call to 911 whichrings into our communications center. That leaves our center tointerrogate the caller and attempt to locate the jurisdiction ofthe emergency over a 4 state area from callers who routinely havevery little knowledge to provide about the location of theemergency. I am particularly interested in policies on handlingsuch calls or any in-service training you have done with thecellular/pcs provider to help better handle these calls.

Any information would be greatly appreciated. Reply to:[email protected]
