Re: Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) andStatistics


Re: Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) and Statistics

From: Lynn Casey Nashville, Tn Police CommunicationsDiv
Date: 19 Jun 1997
Time: 17:42:07
Remote Name:


We have been hoping to implement a four day work week schedulefor several years now. Our turn over rate is so high, we have yetto be able to. Our Fire/Ems Communications Division has a prettyunique work schedule. You might contact Steve Dozier at615-862-8585 to get some help there. They are online, but youre-mail would have to be forwarded to him or Kathy Weizenant. Youcan link to their internet site via the TENA website at
