Minutes From UTAH National


Florida NENA Meeting
National NENA Conference
Salt Lake City, Utah
June 14, 2000


Bob Nibarger, Sarasota
Mark Adler, Palm Beach
Merle Ladd, Leon
Steve Latza, Brevard
Jesse Varnell, Metro-Dade
Lynda Draughn, Bell South
Joe Reavy, Hillsborough
Ira Pyles, Hillsborough
Sandy Mercer, Polk
Sally Collins, Polk
Chuck Freeman, Pinellas
Ron Hatton, GTE
Carolyn Stitzer-Garner, 2nd Century

0700 hours – Meeting called to order

Bob Nibarger – Expressed gratitude to Past President Joe Reavy for everything he has done for the Florida Chapter of NENA during his Presidency.

Advised Tim Collins from National NENA will be attending the fall meeting to discuss the National Conference in Orlando.

Spoke of establishing a plan for the coming year and asked for some concerns from the group.


Merle Ladd – Main concern – with Wireless Phase I and Phase II and pooling the knowledge and experience. He is working on a written plan and will share it when finished. Would like to see a Florida NENA endorsed guideline to help all of the counties.

Would like to see a tutoring/mentoring program for new 911 coordinators.

Is not pleased with the location of the Fall Conference as it is difficult for the northern counties to attend.


Jesse Varnell- Main concern – would like to see more involvement with PSAPs, Fire/Police Chief Association, etc. Also suggested a “theme” for meetings (i.e., Database, Wireless).

 Advised he was already mostly Phase I compliant and suggested to check with neighboring counties as the cell companies have to “turn up” all counties in their area at the same time. Will work with Bob on building a model for wireless Phase I end to end process.

Has received a pared down (3 pages) “service agreement” from AT&T and will share it with anyone who needs a guide. He already has 3 wireless carriers in his county who are working without a “service agreement”.


Steve Latza – Main concern – the personnel shortages and lack of training/standards for call takers.


Sandy Mercer – Main concern – Phase I and Phase II implementation.


Sally Collins – Main concern – Securing the ALI Database.


Carolyn Stitzer-Garner – Suggested all meeting be held in the center of the state to avoid inconveniencing the northern and southern most counties. This will be discussed at the fall meeting.


Ron Hatton – Main Concern – Phase I. Asked that FL NENA keep inviting wireless carriers to meetings to get them involved. Suggested we contact the wireless carriers through the State Wireless Board.


Mark Adler – Main concern – getting information out to the counties. Suggested meetings be posted on the web calendar and minutes from all meetings (CEFA, SOFA, etc.) be posted on the web page. Also asked that the “super e-mail” be broke down by region.


Joe Reavy – Main concern – PBX and station identification.

Suggested other state NENA presidents be contacted regarding wireless issues.

Would like to see a common “service agreement”

Advised GTE will have the ALI database available as soon as they canestablish a fee.


Chuck Freeman – Main concern – keeping the PSAPs involved. Has institutedOperator of the Year award, sending an operator to National.

Would like to get information to the businesses using PBX regarding theavailability of station identification technology and the liability involved in not using it.


Ira Pyles – Main Concern – is pleased with the success of the Database groupand would like to see this applied to other special interest.


Linda Draughn – Main Concern – offered the Bell South training program fornew 911

Suggested we contact the Chiefs organizations and participate in theirmeetings/conferences, updating them on current issues regarding 911.

Spoke about the new NENA 911 online courses available.

Recalled how the spring meetings were originally held in the south and the fall meetings were held in the north.

Advised we will have a table at the TDC and PS Comm Conferences regarding the National in Orlando next year. Will need volunteers.

Believes Bell South already offers the ALI database to it’s 911 coordinators.

0817 hours – meeting adjourned.


Page Created & Designed By: Jerry Brock
Last Updated: Thursday, June 22, 2000