SOFA Minutes



10:00 am, Wednesday November 29, 2000
Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office
Gun Range & Training Facility

At 10:30 the meeting of the NENA SoFA Group was called toorder at the Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office.

The Florida Wireless board is distributing checks and hashired the accounting firm for distribution of funds. Checks to the countiescontinue to be sporadic. When asked about Phase II wireless E 9-1-1 the Boardhad not made any plans as yet. The Wireless Board will be meeting on December5-7, 2000 at the Grand Palms Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale.

Miami-Dade has Phase I Wireless E 9-1-1 implemented for allvendors with the exception of AT&T. They will not provide service until aservice contract is signed between the county and AT&T. Miami-Dade plans tocontest the need for a service contract with the FCC. Many other counties havesubmitted letters to wireless carriers to request Phase I wireless E 9-1-1. PalmBeach County has done some testing. The county attorney has agreed to thestandard service agreement and these have been mailed to the wireless providersfor their signatures. Mark hopes to be able to present them to the BCC inJanuary and begin service soon after that. Broward County was not present toprovide an update on their Phase I implementation.

Palm Beach County will be hosting the Florida 9-1-1 DatabaseGroup Conference on January 25, and 26, 2001. The meetings will be held at theEmergency Operations Center, at 20 South Military Trail, West Palm Beach. Thehost hotel is the Palm Beach Airport Hilton located at 150 Australian Avenue,West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-1473 Tel: 561 684-9400, Fax: 561/689-9421, Room rates will be $103.00,which is the government rate during the season. It was suggested that apresentation be given of 9-1-1 Net and the equivalent Internet MSAG updateservice offered by other LECs.

Jesse Varnell and Linda Marling attended the PS COMM 2000 andprovided those present with an overview. There were six committees formed todevelop best practice procedures for communications center supervisors andmanagers. These committees are; Staffing/Scheduling, Public Education, HumanResources/Accessibility, Contingency Planning, Wireless Implementation, andStandard Operating Procedures. The format is similar to the TechnicalDevelopment Conference where there is a general session, then committees breakoff to work on their assigned area and conclude in a general session to discusscommon issues. The conference was especially beneficial to those who are in theposition of managing a PSAP. If you are interested in the HumanResources/Accessibility Committee, contact the chairman, Jesse Varnell, who willE-mail materials that the committee is working on and accept input.

Linda Draughn and Mark Adler met in Melbourne, Florida withother Coordinators, and representatives of both wire-line and wireless telephoneproviders to compile a new section to the Florida 9-1-1 Plan to address allphases of implementation and maintenance of wireless E 9-1-1. The morning of thefirst day was used to develop an outline for the new section and the remainderof the time was spent combining documentation from Meryl Ladd and Terry Edy, andSprint into the new section. The group will meet again on January 9, 2000, atthe Sprint Offices in Apopka. In the mean time members have agreed to preparevarious portions of the new section. The goal of the group is to have a draftprepared before the next meeting of the Coordinators Group for theirconsideration.

As President of Florida NENA, Linda Draughn advised thatthere is a need for volunteers to work at the National NENA Conference June 24ththrough 28th, 2001, at the Orlando Marriott World Center. The Florida Chapter ofNENA should be able to provide the needed volunteers. A navy golf shirt with acolored collar has been for volunteers have been selected. Workers are needed onSaturday and Sunday before the conference. Meryl Ladd has arranged for a preconference cruise “9-1-1 at Sea”. (See enclosed flyer) There are plans fortours of the Disney Communications Center, Orange County Sheriff’sCommunications Center and possibly Cape Canaveral Communications. The latterwill not be possible if there is a shuttle launch in progress.

It was suggested that efforts be made to increaseparticipation at our meeting by increasing the distribution of meeting noticesto include all the PSAPs throughout the South Florida Area. Mark is going tocontact the 9-1-1 coordinator for each of the counties and get the information.

We will try to arrange the next meeting in Hendry Countybecause it is central to both coasts of Florida and they have recentlyimplemented enhanced 9-1-1. Thanks go out to Lt. Mark Murso and Sgt. Allen Queenat the Okeechobee Sheriff’s Office for their hospitality in hosting themeeting.


Linda Marking, Miami-Dade P.D., 305 596-8848, [email protected][email protected]>

Linda Draughn, BellSouth, 561 640-6644, [email protected][email protected]>

Jesse Varnell, Miami-Dade P.D., 305 956-8914, [email protected][email protected]>

Mani Gonzalez, Palm Beach Co. 9-1-1, 561 712-6483, [email protected][email protected]>

Larry Pelton, Hardee Co. 9-1-1, 863 773-0222, [email protected][email protected]>

Skip Horn, BellSouth, 954 797-7665, [email protected][email protected]>

Rick Appel, Milner Voice Systems, 954-977-8400, [email protected][email protected]>

Anita Martinec, Glades County Sheriff, 863-946-1600, [email protected][email protected]>

Mark Adler, Palm Beach Co. 9-1-1, 561 712-6486, [email protected][email protected]>


Page Created & Designed By: Jerry Brock
Last Updated: Tuesday, January 30, 2001