Special 911 Session

911 Sessions

To: 911 Coordinators and CommunicationsCenter Managers

  • Is your PSAP ready to handle 911 calls from TDD’s, Voice Carry-Over Phones and other new technologies?
  • Is your PSAP equipment compatible with these devices?
  • Has your agency passed the ADA Compliance Review?

The Florida ADA Working Group has invitedall 911 Coordinators and PSAP Managers to participate in an ADATraining Symposium. We have added a separate one-day911 & Emergency Communications Track.”

WHEN: Wednesday, JANUARY 14th, 1998

WHERE: Melbourne Airport Hilton Room Rate $69/nite
Melbourne, Florida
Reservations (407) 768-0200 FAX (407) 984-2528

COST: 911 Sessions (one-day) $80
Entire Training Symposium $185


8:30 – 9:00 Welcome – OpeningSessions

9:00 – 10:00 911Systems/Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Development of an emergency evacuationprocedures for individuals with disabilities

10:00 – 12:00 ADA Compliance Review

Representatives from the Department ofJustice will discuss the ADA Compliance Review process, identifyproblem areas and solutions.

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch – with Key Notespeaker

1:30 – 5:00 Technical Session:Equipment Compatibility Issues

Manufacturers and engineers of both TDD andPSAP equipment have been invited to discuss the technicalcompatibility issues and proposed solutions.

(See below fordetails:)


Florida Chapter President
501 E. Bay Street, Room 310
Jacksonville, FL 32202
OFFICE (904) 630-2317 FAX (904) 630-2250


December 19, 1997


Florida Telecommunications Relay , Inc.,has agreed to temporarily stop distribution of the voicecarry-over phone sets. This is intended to give the 911 PSAPstime to modify the communications equipment to handlevoice-carry-over calls.

The Florida ADA Working Group has invitedthe 911 Coordinators — and anyone involved with EmergencyCommunications – to participate in an ADA Training Symposium. The911 Sessions are scheduled for Wednesday,January 14, 1998.

Technical Sessions: Themanufacturers of TDD and voice carry-over equipment will bepresent to discuss some possible solutions to the voicecarry-over equipment compatibility problems. The manufacturers ofPSAP call processing equipment have also been invited toparticipate. Our objective is to work together to developsatisfactory solutions.

ADA Compliance Reviews:The Department of Justice will be present to discuss the ADACompliance Reviews, some of the problems they have identified, aswell as the solutions.

I encourage all of you to attend thesesessions. This is an opportunity for us to discuss the needs andconcerns of our PSAPs, in handling calls from the disabledcommunity. It is also an opportunity to meet and talk withmembers of the disabled community, to understand and become moresensitive to their needs and concerns regarding communicationwith emergency services. Please pass this information on to yourPSAP Managers.