Registration Form

TDC Conference March 1 – 4, 1998
Registration Form
Please download this form and print or typeyour information. Please register just one attendee and guest perform.

Attendee Information    
Name Last _____________________________________________ First __________________________________
    (as it should appear on your name badge)
NENA Membership Number ____________  
Title _________________________________________________  
Agency/Company _________________________________________________  
Address _________________________________________________  
City, State/Province, Zip Code _________________________________________________  
phone (work) Phone ___________________________________ Fax ___________________________
Spouse/Guest Name ____________________________________________  
  (As it should appear on his/her name badge)  

Registration Fees

Registration Categories:

A or B: All educational sessions, registrationmaterials, Welcome Reception, and refreshment breaks.

C: One-year NENA membership ($75), alleducational sessions, registration materials, Welcome Reception,and refreshment breaks.

D: Welcome Reception.

Additional Fees: “E9-1-1 Data Base”includes 8-hour course, course materials, lunch and refreshmentbreaks. “Managing the 9-1-1 Center” includes 6-hourcourse, course materials, lunch and refreshment breaks.

Registration Category       Regular Registration*   (postmarked
A NENA Member       _____ $420   after 2/11/98)
B Non-Member       _____ $420    
C New NENA Member       _____ $495    
D Spouse/Guest       _____ $30    

*On-site registrations will be charged anadditional fee of $30.

Referred by NENA member:___________________________________________

Pre-Conference Seminars – Sunday, March4, 1998

E9-1-1 Data Base     _____ $195                     _____ $195
Managing the 9-1-1 Center     _____ $195                     _____ $195

* on-site registrations will be charged anadditional fee of $30

Payment Information

______ Check Enclosed, Payable to NENA (US Funds)
  47849 Papermill Rd; Coshocton, OH 43812-9724  
______ VISA   ______ MasterCard   ______ American Express   Fax Completed Registration Form to (740) 622-2090
Credit Card Number __________________________________ Expiration Date ________
Signature __________________________________    

Track Selection

To help us in determining room size, pleaseindicate ONE track in which you will most likely participate.

_____ Network _____ Data _____ ALEC/PS _____ PSAP/CPE  

Total your costs here:

Attendee Registration __________
Spouse/Guest Registration __________
Course Fee Total __________

No refunds can be given after February11, 1998