

National Emergency Number Association
The Voice of 9-1-1



To our NENA Membership:

This is an exciting time for NENA and for our entire 9-1-1 community. There is growth and change ahead—and change is good! I want to inform you of several positive changes NENA is making to help bring you consistent VALUE for your NENA membership.

We are particularly energized about several pending projects and development opportunities for our association. We continue to work closely in Washington with representatives from the Federal Communications Commission and the Department of Transportation, as well as the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and Homeland Security (among others). We are also working aggressively at the state and local level to identify and pursue strategic partnership opportunities and new projects that can substantively improve, demonstrate, and integrate an I.P.-enabled “next generation” 9-1-1 system. Additionally, we have some expanded educational and career and leadership development plans for you, our members.

We have an excellent NENA staff team here to serve you. Emily Caccia and Anissa Dickerson manage our registration and primary membership services. Deborah Shields has been managing our education and finance operations. Effective immediately Deborah will now be coordinating our meeting and event planning as Michelle Jones will be leaving us next week for another association. Michelle has helped NENA tremendously this past year and now we wish her all the best in her next endeavors.

Deborah will be working closely with staff from the Red Flash Group, a public safety strategic marketing company co-founded by Keith Griffiths and Jake Knight, which NENA has contracted with for marketing and association support services. Susanna McIlwaine is now providing our finance and accounting support and NENA is actively searching for a full-time Accounting and Office Manager (CLICK HERE for a complete job description).

Anna Marie Batt is managing myriad special projects for us, including sponsorship development and coordinating our new industry salary survey. She will now be assisting with chapter relations and working directly with our Chapter Presidents and Chapter Boards. We have also hired three new part-time support staff: Barb Thornburg, Brian Rosen, and Bill Kinch. All three have many years of industry experience and a strong dedication to NENA.

I’ve asked Barb Thornburg, ENP, to be NENA’s Committee Resource Manager and work with our leadership from the Technical and Operations Committees, specifically to help with database and project work. Brian Rosen will be working on the technical and project management side of an IP E9-1-1 architecture trial involving GE Health and others. Bill Kinch is our new Educational Programs Manager and will be working with the Educational Advisory Board to strengthen and reinvigorate our 9-1-1 educational programs at every level, moving us toward a more proactive approach to education. You can contact him directly at [email protected] or call him at 801-330-4068 if you want more information about hosting or attending any NENA educational offering.

NENA is 100% committed to represent our members’ interests, both public-sector and private-sector, through research, planning, training and education. Under the leadership of our Development Director, Dr. Bob Cobb, NENA’s Next Generation E9-1-1 Partner Program now has the involvement and support of more than 20 companies who are dedicated to ensuring reliable E9-1-1 service. Our NG Partners include not only traditional telephone carriers and 9-1-1 service and equipment providers such as SBC, Verizon, Cingular, and Positron, but also technology companies like AOL and Level 3 Communications, as well as industry organizations like the ComCARE Alliance, the American Association of Poison Control Centers, and L. Robert Kimball & Associates.

Thank you for your personal involvement and dedication to our association. You are the Voice of 9-1-1 and we at NENA headquarters are proud to be able to serve you!



Robert L. Martin, Executive Director