Confidentiality: Restricting Public Access to 9-1-1Voice Recordings and Data Base Information

Confidentiality: Restricting Public Access to 9-1-1Voice Recordings and Data Base Information by Colonel Ernest E. Ricci The 1996 session of the Rhode Island General Assembly produced two billswhich, if they become law, will directly bear upon public access to 9-1-1voice recordings and data base information. The Senate bill sponsored by Senator Bradford Gorham (R-Foster) passedboth …

The FCC Docket 94-102, Telecom Act of 96 and You

by Russ Russell 1996 has been an extraordinary year in terms of changes in the lawsaffecting telecommunications and 9-1-1: a real paradigm shift. Focusingon 9-1-1, the FCC CC Docket 94-102 requires wireless carriers to providelocation information on their 9-1-1 callers; and the TelecommunicationsAct of 1996 requires number portability as part of allowing telephone servicecompetition at …


Strategic Imperatives by John A. Browne The wireless revolution within the telecommunications industryis seriouslyjeopardizing the telephone companies’ ability to provide locationinformationas part of a 9-1-1 call. Wireline service is a fixed environment.With minorexceptions (foreign exchange and off premise extensions),wireline callsoriginate from a service address, so when a call is made to9-1-1, the serviceaddress can accompany …


[network/_private/disc7_ahdr.htm] Standards From: Brooks Fiber CommunciationsDate: 05 Sep 1997Time: 17:24:22Remote Name: Comments There needs be a standard for recieving error reports.Currently everbody is doing it differently and some are not doingit at all. Faxes are unaccpectable because they can not easly beloaded into a database. We also need a way to track a file …

Re: Standards

[network/_private/disc7_ahdr.htm] Re: Standards From: Bob Gojanovich, NTC ChairDate: 17 Sep 1997Time: 11:34:22Remote Name: Comments I’m afraid this discussion really belongs with the Databaseand ALEC/PS Committees. To my knowledge, not all telcos arerelying solely on fax for this purpose. Some are confirmingreceipt and processing of ALEC files by echoing the completedrecord back to the ALEC. …

9-1-1 and IP

[network/_private/disc7_ahdr.htm] 9-1-1 and IP From: Neal SereboffDate: 11 Mar 1998Time: 12:53:32Remote Name: Comments What is happening with an IP (Internet Protocol) callrequiring 9-1-1? [network/_private/disc7_aftr.htm]