Pictures from 1998 NENA Texas Chapter Spring Conference

TexasChapter Members… Images from the 1998 NENA TEXAS CHAPTER SPRING CONFERENCE Waco Convention Center – Waco, Texas April 20-22, 1998 Please wait for images to load. Click on each to enlarge to 180k TC Award Recipient Daniel Morones (rt), Red E. Fox and a Silent Hero Red E. Fox getting last minute instructions from Sherri …

2003 Conference

  Pre-Conference CoursesENP Study & Exam2003 Brochure2003 Registration FormVendor Prospectus2003 Pictures 2003 Annual Conference August 25-27, 2003 Location: Plano Lodging:  Doubletree (Host Hotel) Alternatives: Transportationn Courtyard by Marriott   Conference Brochure  ENP Study Session and Exam Registration Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Pre-Conference Courses   Vendor Information