Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXF)

Document Information Full name:  Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXF) Standard Document type:  Standard Standard number:  71-002 DRAFT Document description:  NOTE:  NENA 71-002, Version 1, is being worked by the NGDD CLDXF WG. NENA Joint Data/Next Generation Integration Committees, Next Generation Data Development Working Group (NGDD), has created the Next Generation 9-1-1(?) (NG9-1-1(?)) …

NENA Company ID Registration

Document Information Full name:  NENA Company ID Registration Service Technical Information Document Document type:  Informational Standard number:  02-502 v3 Document description:  This “NENA Company ID Registration Service Technical Information Document” defines the Company ID program and provides instructions for companies to register their company identification. NENA 02-502, Version 3, updates the types of service to …

Femtocell and UMA

Document Information Full name:  NENA Femtocell and UMA Technical Information Document Document type:  Informational Standard number:  03-509 v1 Document description:  The purpose of this “Femtocel/UMA Technical Information Document” is to describe in technical as well as operational terms the current state of femtocell and UMA deployments with respect to call processing of E9-1-1 calls, and …

VoIP Characteristics

Document Information Full name:  VoIP Characteristics Technical Information Document Document type:  Informational Standard number:  08-503 v1 Document description:  The purpose of this document is to procure, create and publish a VoIP primer document to be used by individuals not familiar with VoIP technology. Committee Information Committee Name(s):  Technical – VoIP/Packet Committee type:  Technical Document Dates …


Master Glossary Aug 30 – 08:56 pm — Delaine Arnold Document description:  The NENA Master Glossary is a guide for readers of NENA publications and a tool for members of the NENA committees that prepare them. It defines the terms, acronyms and definitions associated with the 9-1-1 industry. Intended users of this document are any person …


Master Glossary Aug 30 – 08:56 pm — Delaine Arnold Document description:  The NENA Master Glossary is a guide for readers of NENA publications and a tool for members of the NENA committees that prepare them. It defines the terms, acronyms and definitions associated with the 9-1-1 industry. Intended users of this document are any person …


Master Glossary Aug 30 – 08:56 pm — Delaine Arnold Document description:  The NENA Master Glossary is a guide for readers of NENA publications and a tool for members of the NENA committees that prepare them. It defines the terms, acronyms and definitions associated with the 9-1-1 industry. Intended users of this document are any person …

MLTS Model Legislation

MLTS Model Legislation Date added: Mar 3 – 04:54 pm Document description:  Recent technology innovations have made it important to update the MLTS Model Legislation recommended in 2000.  The following revised Policy document reflects changes in IP technology; Implementation & Testing; Training and the use of building code Fire Zones to facilitate the creation of …


Free Webinar – NPRM Explained: The FCC’s Recent Action to Enable NG9-1-1 Posted: Oct 5 – 03:18 pm This FREE, one-hour webinar, taking place on Thursday, October 13 at 1:30PM Eastern, will feature officials from the FCC’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. Along with NENA Director of Government Affairs Trey Forgety, Patrick Donovan and …