Rail & Highway Milepost Markers

Mar 5 – 10:46 pm — John Ellison Document Information Full name:  Milepost Operational Information Document Document type:  Informational Standard number:  56-502 Document description:  The purpose of this Operational Information Document is to provide a recommendation regarding the development of a national database to include milepost information and other data for highways and railways within …

Wireless Call Routing & Testing Validation

Mar 3 – 09:49 pm — John Ellison Document Information Full name:  E9-1-1 Wireless Maintenance Call Routing & Testing Validation Document type:  Standard Standard number:  57-002 Document description:  This Standard is to provide a common format and rules for the submission of wireless maintenance cell data for call routing and ALI display review and approval …

Introduction to Converging 9-1-1 Technologies

Feb 27 – 03:58 pm — Chris Nussman Category:  Learning the Ropes Instructor(s):  Christy Williams, ENP Instructor(s):  Eric Parry, ENP Instructor(s):  Keith Lee, ENP It started with simply dialing “9-1-1” from a landline phone. Then, in the blink of an eye, it evolved into Enhanced 9-1-1, Wireless E9-1-1, VoIP, MLTS, Skype, NG9-1-1(?), and countless other …

Service Capability Criteria Rating Scale

Mar 5 – 10:27 pm — John Ellison Document Information Full name:  APCO-NENA Service Capability Criteria Rating Scale Document type:  Informational Standard number:  53-505 Document description:  APCO and NENA have jointly developed this document to assist PSAP Managers and their Governing Authorities to identify their current level of service capability. A self-evaluation assessment tool is …

Drills and Exercises

Mar 5 – 10:21 pm — John Ellison Document Information Full name:  Drills and Exercises Operations Information Document type:  Informational Standard number:  53-504 Document description:  This document is intended as a guide for PSAP staff to develop a drill and exercise program to test the effectiveness of the contingency plan. Drills and exercises are tools …

HMI & PSAP Display Requirements

Oct 26 – 11:06 am — Delaine Arnold Document Information Full name:  NENA/APCO Human Machine Interface & PSAP Display Requirements Document type:  Requirements Standard number:  54-750 v1 Document description:  NENA and APCO have jointly developed this document for the purpose of prescribing requirements for the human machine interface (HMI) display for the Next Generation 9-1-1(?) …

NG9-1-1 Project: Releases and Presentations

NENA Launches Next Generation 9-1-1(?) (NG9-1-1(?)) Transition Planning Effort October 27, 2006, Press Release Next Generation 9-1-1 Overview: The Future for Emergency Communications March 3, 2009, slide show     Attachment Size NENA Launches Next Generation 9-1-1 Transition Planning.pdf 50.34 KB NG9-1-1 Overview_03092009.ppt 2.17 MB

Advanced Disaster Planning for PSAPs

Feb 25 – 05:35 pm — Chris Nussman Category:  Preparing for the Worst Instructor(s):  Craig Whittington, ENP Instructor(s):  Jim Lake, ENP Disasters can send shockwaves through the emergency response system. They can paralyze 9-1-1 communications, endanger the lives of PSAP employees, and leave the public and field responders without a point of contact. This two-day, …

Minimum Response To Wireless 9-1-1 Calls

Mar 3 – 09:08 am — John Ellison Document Information Full name:  Guidelines For Minimum Response To Wireless 9-1-1 Call Document type:  Standard Standard number:  56-001 Document description:  This document has been developed to serve as a model standard operating procedure for those Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) that receive wireless 9-1-1 calls. To facilitate …

NG9-1-1 Project: Strategic Planning

Periodic conference calls among NENA staff, Technical Committee leaders, and Operations Committee leaders are taking place to identify needed development activities around NG9-1-1(?). An example result is the initiation of work on recommended roles and responsibilities for various functions in NG9-1-1, and the formal beginning of the joint Tech-Ops NG9-1-1 Data working group. As part …