9-1-1 Technical Standards Development

NENA is the premiere public safety industry organization for defining 9-1-1 technical issues and standardizing solutions for technology service providers, equipment manufacturers and industry-related standard setting bodies. NENA has established itself as an industry leader in standardizing technical solutions through its Technical Committees. These standards enable compatibility of 9-1-1 technologies, minimize costs involved in provisioning …

Why Join NENA?

Online Membership Application Downloadable Application (Adobe PDF; Instructions) Click here for Company ID Add Your Voice to “The Voice of 9-1-1” NENA’s leadership team represents the diverse NENA membership, and collectively, the 9-1-1 industry. NENA is an organization dedicated to saving lives through the improvement of 9-1-1 services in North America, and beyond. We are …

Why Join NENA?

Online Membership Application Downloadable Application (Adobe PDF; Instructions) Click here for Company ID Add Your Voice to “The Voice of 9-1-1” NENA’s leadership team represents the diverse NENA membership, and collectively, the 9-1-1 industry. NENA is an organization dedicated to saving lives through the improvement of 9-1-1 services in North America, and beyond. We are …

Emergency Number Operations Magazine

   The Emergency Number Professional Magazine is a bi-monthly trade journal dealing with technical and management issues that effect 9-1-1 and emergency communications. Articles include submissions from NENA members and prominent members of the telecommunications and public safety industries, in addition to news from NENA Headquarters. The Emergency Number Professional Magazine is a benefit of …

NENA News Magazine

   NENANews Magazine The NENA News is a bi-monthly trade journal dealing with technical and management issues that effect 9-1-1 and emergency communications. Articles include submissions from NENA members and prominent members of the telecommunications and public safety industries, in addition to news from NENA Headquarters. The NENA News is a benefit of membership in …