contract agencies

[standaccred/_private/disc2_ahdr.htm] contract agencies From: j&[email protected]Date: 01 May 1997Time: 21:35:26Remote Name: Comments we are a ambulance serv. run out of a county owned andcontract managed hosp. the centralized dispatch is forming in ourarea, and wants to charge us a fee for service. i understand thatthe county should provide this service, and that just because weare …

Article 1

[standaccred/_private/disc2_ahdr.htm] Article 1 From: Date: 16 Apr 1997Time: 08:55:40Remote Name: Comments [standaccred/_private/disc2_aftr.htm]

Re: Combined Centers-Fire/Police/EMS

[standaccred/_private/disc2_ahdr.htm] Re: Combined Centers-Fire/Police/EMS From: Lynn Casey, ENPDate: 18 Jan 1998Time: 08:51:38Remote Name: Comments David, This seems to be a hot topic for a lot of people. The answersdiffer depending on you you are talking to! You might want tobring this question/topic up in a general discussion area andalso/either the NENA mail spider forum. …

Staffing Levels

[standaccred/_private/disc2_ahdr.htm] Staffing Levels From: David Pierce, OCFA-Cal.Date: 24 Jul 1997Time: 12:32:36Remote Name: Comments Does anyone have information as to minimum PSAP staffinglevels? Either based on call load, time of day or any otherfactors? Looking at reviewing our current patterns. Thanks. [standaccred/_private/disc2_aftr.htm]

NENA Public Education Clearinghouse

ITEM TYPE SAMPLE AUDIENCE DESCRIPTION USE/SUCCESS CONTACT “In Case of Emergency” Wallet Card Printed Piece Adobe PDF Senior Citizens 3-panel folded wallet card for contact info, medications, allergies to be carried for use of EMS/hospital in case of emergency; reminds to call 9-1-1 in emergency. Distribute via community agencies, doctors’ offices, hospitals, etc. Well received …


Committee Co-Chairs     Scott Keagy 408-221-4793 cell [email protected]   Dick Wells 250-861-1303 250-862-7749 (cell) [email protected]   IP-based communications are becoming commonplace, and we in the public safety industry can leverage the advances in real-time voice, video, chat, and other forms of communication that happen over networks using the Internet Protocol. These technologies are poised …

Technical Information Documents

02 & 06 Technical Information Documents – Data (includes ALEC & Private Switch) NENA 02-502 NENA Company ID Registration Service Technical Information Document (TID) document defines the NENA Company ID program and provides instructions for companies to register their company identification. 03 & 05 Technical Information Documents – Network (includes Wireless) NENA 03-501 Network Quality Assurance Document Issue 2, October …

Annual Conference

  2006 highlights! Celebrating NENA’s Silver Anniversary—25 Years and Beyond Hot Trends in 9-1-1, including updates on Next Generation E9-1-1, and VoIP The Latest Operational and Technical Benchmark Case Studies Over 100,000 square ft. of Exhibitions Influential Keynote Speakers and Instructors JOIN NENA IN PITTSBURGH JUNE 10-15 and help us celebrate our 25th year. Learn …


          October 26-27, 2005 Sheraton Greensboro Hotel at Four Seasons Greensboro, North Carolina Register by September 30 and save $25! Sponsored by:    Any discussion about the “next frontier in emergency response” and the importance of 9-1-1 in homeland security must include the critical role of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). NENA is …