An Invitation From NENAs President

Invitation From NENA’s President Dear Colleague: The NENA Executive Board invites you to experience the best education and exhibit show our industry has to offer – the NENA Annual Conference. Designed with input from both 9-1-1 professionals and industry leaders, the program offers a unique opportunity to learn and share ideas with your peers and …

PSAP Tours

PSAP Tours Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department Communications Center The City of Charlotte Police Department and the Mecklenburg County Police were consolidated in October 1993 to form the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department. The department covers 542 square miles with a population of 628,000. The department has total of 1,808 allocated positions, of which 1,596 are sworn, …

Registration Form

Registration Form Registration for the ’99 Annual Conference can no longer be completed online.  Please call the NENA National Office at (800) 332-3911 for registration instructions. We look forward to seeing you in Charlotte!   Invitation From NENA’s President| Keynote Speaker | Who Should Attend?Educational Sessions | ConferenceAt-A-Glance | Trade ShowTuesday Day Pass | Pre-ConferenceCourses …

Wireless Phone Board

State Wireless Board Election   The wireless bill in the legislature will create a five-member board to oversee the implementation of the FCC rules and distribute the revenue from the access fee to the Communications Districts. The Commercial Mobile Radio Service Emergency Telephone Services Board (The Board) will have two members nominated from the Communications …


Welcome to our web site. We’ve redesigned these pages for 1998. Our hope is to share the latest information about what is happening with 9-1-1 in California. Take a look around for the latest California 9-1-1 news.   CALNENA Conference Pictures The first batch of pictures from this year’s conference are ready and available here. …

CALNENA Wireless 9-1-1

Wireless 9-1-1 Everybody is anxiously awaiting word on exactly how the State of Californiawill implelement the requirements contained in FCC Docket 94-102 on wireless9-1-1 services. We have arrived at technical and logisitcal cross roads,with the maturation of cellular telephone networks, the advent of the newpersonal communications networks, deregulation, and the FCC ruling, theway we handle …