[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: PSAP – LONG DISTANCE OPERATOR SCAM From: Lynn Casey, ENP Metro Nashville Police Dept[email protected]Date: 13 May 1997Time: 14:55:21Remote Name: Comments I sent you e-mail with a contact person in our center. We gotburned several times on this particular scam. Another one was runon us It involved the capturing ofour voice mail numbers. …

Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) and Statistics

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) and Statistics From: dengler-PSC Manager, Temple, TexasDate: 16 May 1997Time: 10:04:14Remote Name: Comments I am a new PSC manager and am looking for statistics andinformation regarding schedules. We are currently working an 8hour staight shift with three dispatcher positions, handlingfire, ems, police and medivac. I am considering going to a …

Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) and Statistics

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) and Statistics From: dengler-PSC Manager, Temple, TexasDate: 16 May 1997Time: 10:04:11Remote Name: Comments I am a new PSC manager and am looking for statistics andinformation regarding schedules. We are currently working an 8hour staight shift with three dispatcher positions, handlingfire, ems, police and medivac. I am considering going to a …

Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) and Statistics

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) and Statistics From: [email protected] Date: 16 May 1997Time: 10:07:11Remote Name: Comments I am a new PSC manager and am looking for statistics andinformation regarding schedules. We are currently working an 8hour staight shift with three dispatcher positions, handlingfire, ems, police and medivac. I am considering going to a 10hr/4day work …

Distance Based Addressing

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Distance Based Addressing From: Stuart RohrbaughDate: 17 May 1997Time: 00:22:23Remote Name: Comments I’m interested in those counties that have recently began touse a disitance based property addressing system. The HendersonCounty, NC Property Address Office will notify approximately76,000 residents of their new address by summers end. I’d like tohear from other counties that may …

Dispatcher stress/ Support/ Interdepartmental Issues

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Dispatcher stress/ Support/ Interdepartmental Issues From: K. Bergener, MediatorDate: 17 May 1997Time: 21:01:43Remote Name: Comments I am working with a safety department, principally to improvethe morale of its dispatchers. It appears that a number of thingsare contributing to their generally low morale. Among them arepoor communications between fire, police, and dispatch onexpectations, insufficient …

Joint Communications/Consolidated Dispatch

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Joint Communications/Consolidated Dispatch From: Merle G. Ladd, 9-1-1 Systems Manager,[email protected]Date: 22 May 1997Time: 14:21:48Remote Name: Comments Leon County Florida has seven PSAP’s located in differentlocations around the County. We are investigating consolidatingthese centers into one location. If anyone has any informationregarding this consolidation process, we would appreciate thehelp. We are looking for design …


[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] 311 From: [email protected]Date: 22 May 1997Time: 22:52:05Remote Name: Comments Seeking comments regarding the use of 311 to supplement 911.311 is not the complete answer to 911 problems, but could createa new way of receiving calls if done properly. Your thoughts. C. B. Callahan, Commmunications Manager Albany, GA [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Re: Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) andStatistics

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) and Statistics From: [email protected]Date: 22 May 1997Time: 23:03:34Remote Name: Comments I’m looking for new schedules as well. Currently, we work 12hour shifts, will send you a copy if you like. Be warned 12 hoursis a very long time to work even though the employees like thetime off it is …

Residence Locations

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Residence Locations From: G. Scott Mills, Sandia National Labs., NMDate: 27 May 1997Time: 14:39:43Remote Name: Comments I am working on a project that requires more pre- ciselocation of population along highways than the US Census dataprovide in rural areas. I have found a county in New Mexico and agroup of coun- ties in …