[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] HIRING CRITERIA From: [email protected]Date: 06 Jan 1998Time: 19:11:36Remote Name: anxp33.hk.centuryinter.net Comments I have recently been chosen to assist our hiring commitee ininterviewing prospective employees. I need help in gatheringinterview scenarios for the candidates. The scenarios should begeneric and objective. Any info I can use in the oral interviewwould be most helpful. [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Re: Simulation and Data Analysis – Some interestingpatterns

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Simulation and Data Analysis – Some interesting patterns From: Dave Allburn < [email protected] >Date: 07 Jan 1998Time: 20:39:06Remote Name: columbus.rr.com Comments I’m very interested in your success at developing such amodel. I am interested in real-time predictive modeling as itapplies to the deployment of assets (dispatching). Alsointerested in sensitivity testing response-time as it …

Cost benefit analysis for 911 CAD and centralized callsysts

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Cost benefit analysis for 911 CAD and centralized call systs From: [email protected]Date: 19 Jan 1998Time: 07:19:37Remote Name: gate14.ny.us.ibm.com Comments IBM is working with NENA, Andre Roy and Positron, in supportof the InterAmerican Development Bank’s Informatics 2000initiative. We plan to demonstrate the technology at anexhibition in Santiago Chile this April to help educate the LatinAmerican …

Re: Combined Centers-Law/Fire/EMS

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Combined Centers-Law/Fire/EMS From: Cathy Brogdon, 9-1-1 Director, Quincy/AdamsCounty, IlDate: 08 Jan 1998Time: 18:55:32Remote Name: m53uin48.bcl.net Comments Our 9-1-1 Center combined about 9 years ago, and I have beenthere through the whole process. Basically the good and bad is:1) Everyone knows what the other guy is doing,therefore callsthat require a multiple reponse is handled …

10 or 12 Hour Shifts

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] 10 or 12 Hour Shifts From: Paul Maynard ([email protected])Date: 20 Jan 1998Time: 23:34:22Remote Name: pm3-20.kymtnnet.org Comments I work for a small department. We employ five full timedispatchers. We are currently in an eight hour shift schedule,but we are exploring the idea of 10 or 12 hour shifts. I’mlooking for some sample schedules of both …

Re: Protection of 9-1-1 Transmissions

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Protection of 9-1-1 Transmissions From: Jim McDonnell – Chesterfield 9-1-1Date: 11 Feb 1998Time: 06:04:07Remote Name: firewall.co.chesterfield.va.us Comments Please call me in the office about your request. Jim McDonnell- 804-751-4314. I’ve got some Virginia specific information thatyou might want to check into. [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Protection of 9-1-1 Transmissions

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Protection of 9-1-1 Transmissions From: Lt. Susie Mowry, [email protected]2/2/98Date: 02 Feb 1998Time: 14:38:22Remote Name: gatekeeper.visi.net Comments Does anyone have knowledge of a law that protects policedepartments who manage 9-1-1 centers from disclosure? Apparentlythere are different protections relating to whether or not thePSAP is a combined center or handles just police. We are locatedin Newport …

NH 9-1-1 Relief Fund Donations

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] NH 9-1-1 Relief Fund Donations From: Dave Mazeau, Lead Supervisor & Wanda Hemeon,Administrative SupervisorDate: 12 Feb 1998Time: 21:41:50Remote Name: ww-tj05.proxy.aol.com Comments On February 7, 1998, one of New Hampshire’s E9-1-1Telecommunicators, Dale Kenison, lost her home and allpossessions to a fire. Insurance will replace the house, butclothes, cooking utensils, bedding and linen, etc. will be …

EMD Advice

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] EMD Advice From: Bobby Guyan, [email protected]Date: 12 Mar 1998Time: 13:27:29Remote Name: ww-tn05.proxy.aol.com Comments I have been selected to put together a County-Wide EMDSystem,We have chosen the Medical Priority System. My problem isas follows: We have seven PSAPs in our County,1 is a County PSAPand the other six are Cities or Townships that serve as …