Re: Dispatcher stress/ Support/ Interdepartmental Issues

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Dispatcher stress/ Support/ Interdepartmental Issues From: Paul Lane 911 Dispatcher St. John’s, Nfld. CanadaDate: 26 Nov 1997Time: 22:14:02Remote Name: Comments In relation to Dottie’s request for info on dispatcher stress,I noticed that NENA has a video available entitled,” Stessand the Dispatcher…A Deadly Combination”. [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Randon drug testing policies for telecommunicators

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Randon drug testing policies for telecommunicators From: Ted Rufledt, Jr.Date: 11 Sep 1997Time: 20:04:03Remote Name: Comments I am looking for any PSAP with a random drug and alcoholtesting program in place for public safety dispatchers. I do not need info on pre-employment testing, reasonablesuspicion testing or post accident tetsing, only random. If you …

Re: 9-1-1 used for other than emergent calls?

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: 9-1-1 used for other than emergent calls? From: Paul Lane 911 Dispatcher St. John’s, Nfld. CanadaDate: 26 Nov 1997Time: 22:42:49Remote Name: Comments Our agency and to the best of my knowledge no agencies in myarea promote the use of 911 for non emergency calls.Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop many citizens from using 911 …

Re: Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) andStatistics

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) and Statistics From: Paul Lane 911 Dispatcher St. John’s, Nfld. CanadaDate: 26 Nov 1997Time: 22:28:54Remote Name: Comments I have worked 12 hour shifts for the last 9 years in threedifferent variations as follows: 1) 4 days on (2 days and 2nights) and 4 days off 2) A four week …

Re: Finding and Keeping Good Dispatchers

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Finding and Keeping Good Dispatchers From: Dick Solie of Profile Evaluations, Inc. NewBrighton, MinnesotaDate: 27 Nov 1997Time: 19:08:06Remote Name: Comments You may want to check out our web site at Ouremployee selection program the Employee Evaluation Program (EEP)for Communications is now being used by over 500 agencies Dick Solie Profile Evaluations, …

Combined Centers-Law/Fire/EMS

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Combined Centers-Law/Fire/EMS From: David PierceDate: 15 Dec 1997Time: 12:26:31Remote Name: Comments Looking for any info/comments on combined centers. Wecurrently operate a Fire/EMS Dispatch Center. Are looking intopossibly combining–at some future date–with the local Sheriff’sOffice Center. I need objective comments on experiences, good orbad on how any of you feel they function. [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Combined Centers-Law/Fire/EMS

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Combined Centers-Law/Fire/EMS From: Stephen Watt, 911 Crawford County, Pa.Date: 17 Dec 1997Time: 17:40:20Remote Name: Comments We are the PSAP for our county. We dispatch for 31 firedepartments, 23 EMS services, and 8 local law enforcementagencies. We forward 911 calls to the 2 state police barracksthat cover our county and the the two city …

Re: Dispatcher stress/ Support/ Interdepartmental Issues

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Dispatcher stress/ Support/ Interdepartmental Issues From: Kevin Willett [email protected]Date: 27 Dec 1997Time: 00:02:57Remote Name: Comments I suggest you contact Janet Childs. She is a stress managementinstructor that we trust and respect. As a training coordinatorand a dispatcher I can honestly tell you that she is great! Call650-595-5202 for info. They can send …

can terms of etsb members be changed while in office ?

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] can terms of etsb members be changed while in office ? From: [email protected]Date: 28 Dec 1997Time: 07:30:18Remote Name: Comments I would like to know if county boards have the authority tochange length of terms of “911” board members duringtheir term of office ? Also, I would like to know where to accesslaws governing …

Simulation and Data Analysis – Some interesting patterns

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Simulation and Data Analysis – Some interesting patterns From: [email protected]Date: 03 Jan 1998Time: 13:38:11Remote Name: Comments I am Ph.D. student in the dept od decision sciences at theuniversity of Oregon. Over the last year I have been working withthe lane county 911 call center in an attempt to try anddetermine how many call …