CALNENA – Update on FCC Docket 94-102


Phase I requires 9-1-1 caller ANI and cell sector translation codes bedelivered to the PSAP. Phase II requires location technology which willdisplay the 9-1-1 callers location to within 125 meters.

This creates a significant technical challenge. TheState 9-1-1 Program is seeking a statewide solution to implementing eachphase. To meet the requirements of Phase I, RCC consultants was retained,with Tom Gray serving as Project Manager. RCC must sort though the complexitiesof delivering wireless 9-1-1.

Considering the mix of service providers, and the fact that each of themhas their own idea of how to best deliver the services, it is necessaryto set the stage for statewide standardization. RCC will package a recommendationto the State 9-1-1 Program for implementing FCC 94-102 Phase I.

In order to move forward with a statewide solution, it is necessary todefine and implement trial wireless sites. The State 9-1-1 Program willbe working with Pacific Bell, GTE, CHP and others on several trial sites.

Several significant questions must be addressed, such as: How do we integratemultiple data bases into a common 9-1-1 system? Is there any authority tofor the State to direct carriers to utilize a particular technology? Whatdoes the future hold?

The RCC report is due in January. We anticipate a report to the CALNENAconference in a general session on January 28, 1998 in Costa Mesa.

In the meantime, according to Larry Kuhn, there are three wireless trialslooming in California:

Sacramento Metropolitan Area: Participants include Pacific Bell, AirtouchCellular, AT&T Wireless and SCC, Sprint PCS, Pacific Bell Mobile Services,CHP Sacramento Communications, Sacramento Police Department, SacramentoSheriff*s Department, and other agencies. Proposed in service date: Firstquarter of 1998.

Western San Gabriel Valley Area: Participants include Pacific Bell, GTE,ZYPoint, LA Cellular and SCC, Airtouch Cellular, Sprint PCS, Pacific BellMobile Services, CHP Los Angeles Communications, Pasadena Police Department,San Marino Police Department, Arcadia Police Department, South PasadenaPolice Department, and the Los Angeles County Sheriff*s Department TempleCity PSAP. Proposed in service date: First quarter of 1998.

Santa Barbara Metropolitan Area: Participants include GTE, GTE Wireless,CHP Ventura Communications, Santa Barbara Police Department, and the SantaBarbara County Sheriff*s Department. Proposed in service date: Second quarterof 1998.

You can reach Larry Kuhn at the California 9-1-1 Program Office:

voice- 916-657-9236 fax- 916-657-9882

email- [email protected]