OK Privacy

PRIVACYLEGISLATION FOR THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA COMMITTEESUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 276 A Public body shall not be required to disclose: Any record compiled for investigatory purposes or the disclosure of which would interfere with investigative or enforcement activities, reveal the identity of a confidential source or undercover agent or endanger the life or safety …

MN Privacy

PRIVACYLEGILSATION FOR THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Subd. 3a. [Audio Recording of 911Call] The audio recording of a call placed to a 911 system forthe prupose of requesting service from a law enforcement, fire,or medical agency is private data on on individuals with respectto the inividual making the call, except that a writtentranscript of the audio …

MO Privacy

PRIVACYLEGISLATION FOR THE STATE OF MISSOURI “9-1-1 REPORTS-CONFIDENTIAL 610.150. “911”telephone reports confidential, exceptions. Any information acquired by a lawenforcement agency by way of a complaint or report of a crimemade by telephone contact using the emergency number,”911″, shall be inaccessible to the general public.Such information shall be available upon request by lawenforcement agencies or the …

ME Privacy

PRIVACYLEGISLATION FOR THE STATE OF MAINE Sec. 3. 25MRSA§2927, sub-§5-A is enacted to read: 5-A Committeerecommendations; budget. The joint standing committeeof the Legislature having jurisdiction over utilities and energymatters shall make recommendations to the joint standingcommittee of the Legislature having jurisdiction overappropriations and financial affairs regarding all expendituresfrom the E9-1-1 fund established in subsection 2-A. …

Privacy Issues

States with 9-1-1 Privacy Legislation CT – FL – IA – MD – ME– MN – MO – OK – OR – PA – RI – VA States with Related Issues OH KEEP CHECKING BACK FOR MORE PRIVACY LEGISLATION TO COMEONLINE! Back to the NENA Homepage This page was last updated 09/30/98

FL Privacy

PRIVACYLEGISLATION FOR THE STATE OF FLORIDA APPENDIX 1.0 THE FLORIDAEMERGENCY TELEPHONE ACT 365.171 (15) CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS.Any record or information obtained by a public agency or a publicsafety agency for the purpose of providing services in anemergency and which reveals the name, address, or telephonenumber of any person requesting emergency service or reporting anemergency by …

CN Privacy

PRIVACYLEGISLATION FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT Public Records andMeetings Freedom ofInformation Chapter 3* Sec. 1-19 Access to publicrecords. Exempt records. (a) Except as otherwise provided byany federal law or state statute, all records maintained or kepton file by any public agency, whether or not such records arerequired by any law or by any rule or …

What is NENA?

New Mexico Public Safety Telecommunicators Association Representing the New Mexico Chapters of NENA and APCO The National Emergency Number Association(NENA) was established to assist communites throughout the United States with theirefforts to install 9-1-1 emergency telephone number systems. NENA promotes those efforts through cooperation and collaboration withthe thousands of emergency services, communications centers throughout the …

NMPSTA OnLine Vendor Registration Form

New Mexico Public Safety Telecommunicators Association Representing the New Mexico Chapters of NENA and APCO OnLine Vendor Registration Form The OnLine Vendor Registration Form for the Fall Training Conference inLas Cruces is no longer available. You can register at the door in Las Cruces, NM Please support the below vendors who have made a SPONSORSHIP …

Vendor Information Page – nmpsta.org

New Mexico Public Safety Telecommunicators Association (NMPSTA) Representing the New Mexico Chapters of NENA and APCO Important Vendor Information Conference and Exhibition Site Vendor Schedule Sponsorship How Else You Can Help Register for Notification of Page UpDates  Vendor Online Registration Form  If you have products or services to sell to agencies inthe public safety telecommunications …