States with Standards

NRC – TelcommunicatorStandards and Training Summary of Question #8 What agency or regulatory board in your state is responsiblefor administering state telecommunicator training program standards:(As of April, 1996) 1 .California: Commission on Peace Officer Standards &Training (POST) Oregon: OregonBoard on Public Safety Standards & Training 2. Idaho: Peace Officer Standards & Training (POST) 3. Montana: …

States with Standards

NRC – TelcommunicatorStandards and Training Summary of Question #4 What states are considering or are in the process ofestablishing telcommunicator training standards:(As of April, 1996) 1. Washington2. Arizona3. Colorado4. South Dakota5. Michigan6. Illinois7. Indiana8. Arkansas9. Louisiana10. Alabama11. Florida12. Ohio13. North Carolina14. Vermont15. Tennessee16. Nevada17. Maine


NATIONAL EMERGENCY NUMBER ASSOCIATION National Resource Center PROJECT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL PUBLIC-SAFETYTELECOMMUNICATOR TRAINING STANDARDS National Survey 1. For the State of: Wyoming a) Contact Person: Don Pierson, Director b) Name : Wyoming POST Commission c) Address : 1710 Pacific Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82002 d) Phone: (307) 777-7718 e) Fax: (307) 638-9706 2. Does …

States with Standards

NRC – TelcommunicatorStandards and Training Summary of Question #26 How long after passage of legislation, did agencies have to bein compliance with the telecommunicator training requirements?(As of April, 1996)  State Time Frame  1. California  Optional Program  2. Connecticut  1 year  3. Georgia  1 year  4. Idaho  N/A  5. Kentucky unknown  6. Maryland  unknown  7. Massachusetts …

States with Standards

NRC – TelcommunicatorStandards and Training Summary of Question #24 If a test is required for certification what percentage orscore constitutes a passing grade(As of April, 1996)  State Score  1. California Dertermined by Instructor  2. Connecticut  70%  3. Georgia  unknown  4. Idaho 75%   5. Kentucky unknown  6. Maryland  unknown  7. Massachusetts  90%  8. Mississippi  70%  9. …