NENA Membership

Add your voice to “The Voice of 9-1-1!” NENA Gets You Informed – As a member, you have access to the most comprehensive and up-to-date information about all things 9-1-1 available anywhere 24x7x365. In addition, when you join, you will receive a complimentary subscription to ENP Magazine – our highly regarded official publication – which …

NENA 2011 Educational Track Sessions

Monday, June 20 – Wednesday, June 22   Each day of the conference brings together experts to discuss the issues affecting emergency communications. Ninety hours worth of sessions explore specific, critical 9-1-1 and public safety topics and provide attendees with the knowledge necessary to navigate today’s challenges while planning for tomorrow. By creating a program …

NENA’s Mission

NENA’s Mission is to foster the technological advancement, availability and implementation of a universal emergency telephone number system (9-1-1). In carrying out its mission, NENA promotes research, planning, training and education. The protection of human life, the preservation of property, and the maintenance of general community security are among NENA’s objectives. We are NENA. We …

NENA to Co-Host National Workshop on 9-1-1 Overload

Posted: Sep 14 – 04:14 pm The 9-1-1 Industry Alliance (9IA) will host a national workshop on 9-1-1 overload on October 4-5, 2011, at the Georgetown University Hotel and Conference Center in Washington, D.C. Public safety decision-makers and government officials are invited to engage in a national dialog on this important problem, which affects people …

IA Wireless

WIRELESSLEGISLATION FOR THE STATE OF IOWA SENATE BILL 120 A BILL FOR An Act relating to the extensionof time during which an alternative surcharge may be imposed forenhanced 911 services. EXPLANATION This bill provides for extensionof the alternative surcharge of $2.50 per month per access linefor a period of up to 12 months beyond the …

MD Wireless

WIRELESSLEGISLATION FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND COMAR EFFECTIVE 1/1/96, 22:24 MD.R. .10 9-1-1 Fees. A. Fees Collected after December31, 1990. (1) Collection of 10-Cent Fee. (a) The 10-cent fee collectedafter December 31, 1990 and credited to the 9-1-1 Trust Fundshall be disbursed by the State Comptroller, as allocated by theSecretary of Public Safety and …

ME Wireless

WIRELESSLEGISLATION FOR THE STATE OF MAINE IN THE YEAR OF OURLORD NINETEEN HUNDREDAND NINETY-SIX S.P. 766 – L.D.1877 An Act to Amend theLaws Concerning Enhanced 9-1-1 Be it enacted by the people of theState of Maine as follows: Sec. 1. 25 MRSA 2927, sub-1-A isenacted to read: 1-A. Statewide E-9-1-1surcharge. The activities authorized under this …

ND Wireless

WIRELESS LEGISLATION FOR THESTATE OF NORTH DAKOTA NORTH DAKOTA 55TH LEGISLATIVEASSEMBLY SENATE BILL 2353 ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 2353 A BILL for an Act to create and enact two newsections to chapter 57-40.6 and a new subsection to section5740.6-08 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to awireless 9-1-1 service fee, liability, and an emergency …