2010 Member-Get-A-Member Campaign Winner

Because of your commitment to NENA and to the 9-1-1 profession, you were able to sign up several hundred new members through the member-get-a-member campaign.  We are pleased to award a trip to NENA 2010* in Indianapolis to the top recruiter this past year:   Michelle Bland, ENP – California Highway Patrol – Sacramento, CA   We thank all of our new member recruiters for realizing the …

Next Generation Integration – NGI

Next Generation Integration Committee – NGI Works issues related to the integration of new and existing technologies into the PSAP.   The NGI Committee looks at the impact to service operations as 9-1-1 capabilities for new technologies are introduced into the PSAP and also develops standards and other documents that assist the PSAP in on-going quality …

Provisioning and Maintenance of GIS data to ECRF/LVF

Date added: Aug 5 – 03:31 pm Document Information Full name:  NENA Standards for the Provisioning and Maintenance of GIS data to ECRF/LVF Document type:  Standard Standard number:  70-DRAFT Document description:  NOTE:  NENA XX-XXX, Version 1, is continuing to be developed by the NGDD ECRF/LVF WG. This document defines operational processes and procedures necessary to support the …

Overcoming Negativity in the Communications Center

Feb 25 – 04:21 pm — Chris Nussman Category:  Expanding Your Horizons Instructor(s):  Sherry Decker, ENP Instructor(s):  Patty Cross, ENP Instructor(s):  Nancy Banks, ENP Does the sign on your communications center door read, “Enter at your own risk?” Are negative attitudes poisoning the relationships in your center and affecting overall performance? You have the power …

Provisioning & Maintenance of MSAG Files to VDBs and ERDBs

Date added: Mar 5 – 01:25 pm Document Information Full name:  Data Standards for the Provisioning and Maintenance of MSAG Files to VDBs and ERDBs Document type:  Standard Standard number:  02-013 v3 Document description:  Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is poised to become the predominant technology used in the telecommunications industry. As the public adopts …

VoIP 9-1-1 Deployment and Operational Guidelines

Mar 5 – 11:00 pm — John Ellison Document Information Full name:  VoIP E9-1-1 Deployment and Operational Guidelines Operational Information Document Document type:  Informational Standard number:  56-504 Document description:  This document has been developed as a best practice for the deployment of VoIP E9-1-1 service. As such, its primary goal is to set expectations and …