Functional & Interface Standards for NG9-1-1 (i3)

Document Information Full name:  NENA Functional and Interface Standards for Next Generation 9-1-1 Version 1.0 (i3) Document type:  Standard Standard number:  08-002 v1 Document description:  Major changes in the existing emergency services architecture are being driven by the rapid evolution of the types of devices and services that can be used to call for help. …

E9-1-1 ISDN PSAP Equipment Utilizing Basic Rate Interface

Document Information Full name:  NENA Recommended Generic Standards for E9-1-1 ISDN PSAP Equipment Utilizing Basic Rate Interface (BRI) Document type:  Standard Standard number:  04-003 v1 Document description:  This NENA Technical Reference NENA-04-003 defines the Integrated Services Digital Network BRI (ISDN BRI) Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)(?) equipment requirements intended for use by users, manufacturers and …

MLTS Model Legislation

Document Information Full name:  NENA Technical Requirements Document On Model Legislation E9-1-1 for Multi-Line Telephone Systems Document type:  Requirements Standard number:  06-750 v3 (Previously TID 06-501) Document description:  Recent technology innovations have made it important to update the MLTS Model Legislation recommended in 2000.  The following revised Policy document reflects changes in IP technology; Implementation …

E9-1-1 Voice Circuit Requirements

Document Information Full name:  E9-1-1 Voice Circuit Requirements – Providing a P.01 Grade of Service Document type:  Informational Standard number:  03-506 v1 Document description:  The purpose in determining voice circuit requirements for an E9-1-1 Trunk Group is to provide a transmission Grade of Service (GOS) for each 9-1-1 caller that is at least P.01 (probability …

Master Glossary

Document Information Full name:  NENA Master Glossary of 9-1-1 Terminology Document type:  Standard Standard number:  00-001 v16 Document description:  The NENA Master Glossary is a guide for readers of NENA publications and a tool for members of the NENA committees that prepare them. It defines the terms, acronyms and definitions associated with the 9-1-1 industry. Intended …

Synchronizing GIS with MSAG & ALI

Document Information Full name:  NENA Information Document for Synchronizing Geographic Information System databases with MSAG & ALI Document type:  Informational Standard number:  71-501 v1 Document description:  This document is the NENA information document for the synchronization of certain Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database layers with the Master Street Address Guide, the Automatic Location Information data, …

Excerpt: 9-1-1 Database Administration Software

Document Information Full name:  Excerpt from 02-011, Section 3: Electronic Maintenance Document only – NENA 9-1-1 Database Administration Forms software Document type:  Standard Standard number:  02-011A Document description:  This is a portion of NENA 02-011 that has been excerpted to make this section more accessible and to assist users requiring the ability to get MSAG …

Resolving ANI/ALI Discrepancies & NRFs

Document Information Full name:  NENA Technical Standard for Reporting and Resolving ANI/ALI Discrepancies and No Records Found for Wireline, Wireless and VoIP Technologies Document type:  Standard Standard number:  02-015 v1 Document description:  This NENA document sets forth standards for PSAP jurisdictions, Access Infrastructure Providers (AIP), Service Providers and Data Base Management System Providers (DBMSPs) in …

PSAP Master Clock

Document Information Full name:  NENA PSAP Master Clock Standard Document type:  Standard Standard number:  04-002 v4 Document description:  This Standard is a guide for designers and manufacturers of PSAP equipment. It identifies engineering and technical requirements to be met before the NENA membership shall consider purchase of such equipment; it may also be of value …

ESQK Guidelines for VoIP

Document Information Full name:  ESQK Guidelines for VoIP to E9-1-1 Connectivity Document type:  Informational Standard number:  03-507 v1 Document description:  This document is a guide to orient VSPs, ESGW operators, and VPC operators on the use and assignment of ESQKs for 9-1-1 Emergency Services Gateway (ESGW) to Selective Router (SR) connectivity and call routing. NENA …