9-1-1 Call Answering Standard

Mar 3 – 05:21 pm — John Ellison Document Information Full name:  Call Answering Standard/Model Recommendation Document type:  Standard Standard number:  56-005 Document description:  This document has been developed to serve as a model standard operating procedure for the calltaking function within Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). To provide uniformity and consistency in the handling …

Leadership in the 9-1-1 Center

Feb 25 – 03:42 pm — Chris Nussman Category:  The PSAP Manager’s Toolkit Instructor(s):  Eric Parry, ENP Instructor(s):  Jim Lake, ENP Instructor(s):  Tonya Pearce, ENP Instructor(s):  Nancy Banks, ENP It’s not the title that one attaches to their name, but the ability to effectively manage, motivate, and mediate that makes a person a leader. This …

Technical Development

Version 1 of the NG9-1-1(?) Architecture and Interfaces (i3) Standard is near completion and will proceed into review in August 2007.  A VoIP Technical Committee Working Group is also being formed to develop NG9-1-1 related recommendations and considerations for IP Networks; we plan publication within 3Q2007.  A joint Technical-Operations Working Group on NG9-1-1 data impacts …

2005 NG Partner Program Summaries

NENA formed the NG Partner Program as a public-private partnership to improve the nation’s 9-1-1 system and to establish a cohesive vision between technology providers and public safety stakeholders. Their goal has been to address the critical need for an IP-enabled Next Generation 9-1-1(?) (NG 9-1-1) system, one that adapts rapidly to new technology and …

Replaced by 57-750 NG9-1-1 System & PSAP Operational Features & Capabilities

Mar 5 – 11:25 pm — John Ellison Document Information Full name:  Replaced by 57-750 NG9-1-1 System & PSAP Operational Features & Capabilities. Document type:  Informational Standard number:  58-501 Document description:  58-501 – Replaced by 57-750v1 NG9-1-1 System & PSAP Operational Features & Capabilities Committee Information Committee Name(s):  Operations – VoIP Committee type:  Operational Document …

Continuity of Operations Plans for PSAPs

Feb 25 – 05:28 pm — Chris Nussman Category:  Preparing for the Worst Instructor(s):  Donna Wright, ENP Does your PSAP have a Continuity of Operations Plan (CoOP)? While most centers have overarching disaster plans and make logistical preparations (to varying degrees) for disaster response and recovery, what would happen to your management team in the …

9-1-1 Center Consolidation

Feb 27 – 11:18 am — Chris Nussman Category:  Keeping Your PSAP Finely Tuned Instructor(s):  Brian Bark, ENP Instructor(s):  Jim Lake, ENP Instructor(s):  Mike Fischel, ENP Offered:  06.19.11 – NENA 2011 – Minneapolis, MN This course is designed to help PSAP managers and 9-1-1 officials understand the often difficult and demanding process of consolidating multiple …


Next Generation 9-1-1search for term NG9-1-1(?) is the next evolutionary step in the development of the 9-1-1 emergency communications system known as E9-1-1 since the 1970s. NG9-1-1 is a system comprised of managed IP-based networks and elements that augment present-day E9-1-1 features and functions and add new capabilities. NG9-1-1 will eventually replace the present E9-1-1 …

Network Quality Assurance

Document Information Full name:  NENA Technical Information Document on Network Quality Assurance Document type:  Informational Standard number:  03-501 v4 Document description:  Single points of failure in the 9-1-1 network should not be tolerated. Network and Emergency Services providers should design and deploy fault tolerant systems which will eliminate, as much as possible, single points of …