Govt 101

  “Government 101” Presentation Available to Chapters Representing an enhanced resource and service of NENA membership, NENA has begun featuring a new presentation to NENA’s Chapters. Titled “Government 101,” this presentation is a national strategy to improving 9-1-1 politics and presence in local, state and federal government. Specifically, NENA has outlined activities to advance 9-1-1 …

Helpful Links

  Helpful Links United States House of Representatives United States Senate Administration Search for Federal Legislation State Government Local Government E9-1-1 Caucus E9-1-1 Institute How our laws are made What is the difference between authorization and appropriation?  

Legislation/FCC Filings

  National 9-1-1 Legislation and NENA FCC Filings Rulings/legislation/filings below are Adobe PDF documents (Instructions). FCC 9-1-1 Information: Click here for information on key FCC Public Notices, Orders and Reports, as well as other 9-1-1 related information. FCC 9-1-1 Rules:  Title 47, Part 20 of the Code of Federal Regulations includes, among other things, the federal …