National 1st V.P.

Norm is looking forward to serving National NENA andit?s Membership as 1st Vice-President. He will make himself openand accessible to all Association Members and will assist with their initiatives whetherthey concern State or National Issues. Norm would appreciate any input that you might have concerningNENA operations. Norm has thirty-five years of multi-disciplined public safety experienceencompassing …

Sample Letter

Dear: We agree with the Chicago Sun-Times editorial that appeared on July 2 titled “Safety at a Bargain.” Wireless phone users in Illinois, both rural and urban need the same access to 9-1-1 as wireline phone users. As public health and safety professionals, we urge Governor Ryan to sign HB 1383 “The Wireless Emergency Safety …

E-mail list

INENA maintains an email listserver to facilitate communications among the members.When you join the list you can send messages to everyone in INENA and you will seemessages from others along with official announcements from the INENA Officers. Subscribe to Illinois Chapter of NENA Enter your e-mail address: inena Archive An e-group hosted by FindMail’s …

Annual Convention

The Illinois Chapter of NENA will co-host the 15th Annualcombined NENA/APCO/ICC 9-1-1 State Chapter Conference on October 24-27, 1999, in Decatur,Illinois. The Conference will be held at the Holiday Inn in Decatur. Decatur continues tobe the conference site because it is centrally located in the state. Both the INENA and the APCO organizations, with over …

Events Calendar

INENA Events and Meeting Schedules Click here to go to theCalendar Page If you have a meeting or event you wish to have listed on one of ourcalendars send an E-mail to:Rich Cunningham, DaveWhipple or Norm Forshee  

Sign Guestbook

Tell us what you think about our web site, our organization, or anything else that comes to mind. We welcome all of your comments and suggestions. Enter your comments in the space provided below: Name E-mail  


  HELPTHE VICTIMS OFHURRICANEKATRINA AND RITA: The destruction and desperationcaused by Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita has beenheartbreaking. Louisiana, Texas and Mississippiwere devastated, and today they need your help! There are many ways, as members of the 9-1-1community, that you can make a difference.Specifically, on behalf of those effected, NENA isasking for donations for emergency communicationspersonnel who continued …