The NENA Wireless Implementation Program

  USDOT’s Support of Implementing Wireless E9-1-1 NENA, in partnership with the US Department of Transportation (US DOT), APCO, NASNA and other stakeholders, is proud to announce the launch of a national data-gathering program, and technical assistance program to stimulate wireless implementation for America–the NENA Wireless Implementation Program.  For a full Scope of Work (SOW) …

Mentoring Program

  Have you ever thought about taking someone under your wing? Many celebrities have mentored aspiring people in their fields over the years (Colonel Sanders mentored Dave Thomas, Mike Wallace mentored Barbara Walters), but you do not have to be a celebrity to become a mentor. NENA’s Annual Conference in Indianapolis will be the start …

Tentative Schedule of Events9-1-1 Goes to Washington

February 22-24Grand Hyatt, 1000 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. Sunday, February 22, 2004 NENA Classes and Leadership Forums NENA Reception at the Hyatt  Monday, February 23, 2004   Morning   8:50 a.m. Welcome Richard Taylor, NENA President Constitution CDE Corridor  9:00 a.m. Morning Keynote:  The Dept. of Commerce’s Role in E9-1-1 John Kneuer, Counselor to …

The NENA Wireless Implementation ProgramUSDOT’s Support of Implementing Wireless E9-1-1

  The NENA Wireless Implementation Program USDOT’s Support of Implementing Wireless E9-1-1 NENA, in partnership with the US Department of Transportation (US DOT), APCO, NASNA and other stakeholders, is proud to announce the launch of a national data-gathering program, and technical assistance program to stimulate wireless implementation for America–the NENA Wireless Implementation Program.  For a …

NENA Awards

The William E. Stanton Award Recipients 1999 – William E. Stanton 2000 – George Heinrichs 2001 – Billy Ragsdale 2002 – Barb Thornburg  The William E. Stanton Award is bestowed upon an individual who not only excelled in his or her everyday job but who has gone above and beyond to further the goals of …

Operational Information Documents

Operational Information Documents  The following NENA Operational Information Documents are in Adobe PDF format. Click here for Adobe PDF instructions. 52-501 TTY Phone Pal Program (PPP) Operational Information Document (OID) 54-501 Human Resources Sub-Committee Resource List OID 56-501 Silent or Hang-up Calls For Service OID 56-502 NENA Milepost OID 57-501 Wireless Phase I & II …