9-1-1 Quality Assurance

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] 9-1-1 Quality Assurance From: Monty Jenkins, Q.E.M.S., Inc.Date: 10 Jul 1997Time: 17:33:32Remote Name: Comments 9-1-1 Quality Assurance/Improvement. Quality EnhancedManagement Systems, Inc. provides consulting services andsoftware for emergency dispatch centers. The primary focus of thecompany has been the development of a standards based, customized9-1-1 quality assurance program. This program has been “RealWorld” tested and …

Re: Finding and Keeping Good Dispatchers

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Finding and Keeping Good Dispatchers From: Gaylon Mathews, Director Pickens County 9-1-1,GeorgiaDate: 09 Jul 1997Time: 14:08:42Remote Name: Comments We’re going through the same thing. You can’t give a job awaynowadays! [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]


[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Consultants From: [email protected] July 8, 1997Date: 08 Jul 1997Time: 17:54:58Remote Name: Comments Need to acquire consulting firm to assist in determingfrequency to replace low band system. Also to assist in design& construction of new 911 center. Any success stories wouldbe most welcome. [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

911 Center Staffing Levels

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] 911 Center Staffing Levels From: [email protected]Date: 30 Jun 1997Time: 17:15:59Remote Name: Comments I am trying to find information concerning the number ofcalltakers and dispatchers recommended per calls for service forPolice, Fire and EMS. Does a formula exist ? [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Re: Dispatcher stress/ Support/ Interdepartmental Issues

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Dispatcher stress/ Support/ Interdepartmental Issues From: dottie48 @ aolDate: 29 Jun 1997Time: 21:13:25Remote Name: Comments I am looking for any statistics you can help me find on theissue of dispatchers and stress. If you can point out anyliterature or where I can find info on this subject it would begreatly appreciated. Thanks, …

911 liability laws

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] 911 liability laws From: dottie48 @ aolDate: 29 Jun 1997Time: 21:07:29Remote Name: Comments I am looking for information concerning any laws dealing withthe liability of 911 operators. I heard Arizona is passing a lawJuly 1, 1997 and that 18 other states have similar laws. My cityis combining their police and fire into the …

Continuing Education

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Continuing Education From: Ed Milam – Date: 26 Jun 1997Time: 22:01:23Remote Name: Comments I am very interested in hearing from agencies who utilize acontinuing education program for their telecommunicationspersonnel. Which is administered during normal duty hours. Thanksfor your replies…… [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Re: How do we get tax increase on the ballot?

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: How do we get tax increase on the ballot? From: Mike GrayDate: 26 Jun 1997Time: 09:57:01Remote Name: Comments Sue, wish I was still employed so I can give you some insightinto this complex situation. Great care must be taken, lest youget backed into a legality corner and everything gets thrown outas a …