training to become an instructor

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] training to become an instructor From: Karen Pack, Hardin County 9-1-1 CoordinatorDate: 30 Jul 1997Time: 23:27:15Remote Name: Comments I am interested in becoming an instructor for 911 so that Ican hold classes and certify my employess as well as surroundingcounties. Do you have any information or where I can obtaininformation regarding instructor courses. …

Sample RFP for ACD Switch

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Sample RFP for ACD Switch From: Geoff Clarke: South Africa 1-0-7 User GroupChairmanDate: 28 Jul 1997Time: 05:45:50Remote Name: Comments Looking for sample RFP for ACD…Would appreciate your help inour attempt to get National Emergency Number (1-0-7) going… [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Government subsidies for E/911

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Government subsidies for E/911 From: David EthridgeDate: 22 Jul 1997Time: 16:18:07Remote Name: Comments I am fairly new to E/911 services and have a questionregarding E/911 funding. Do E/911 subsidies exist at the state orfederal level, and if so, how are these apportioned? Where can I learn more about such funding? Thanks, David [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Recordings answering 911 lines

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Recordings answering 911 lines From: Arthur Craig, Communications Director Oxford, MI Date: 18 Jul 1997Time: 13:35:44Remote Name: Comments Does anyone use a recording to answer 911 lines? What was thereason for doing this? Has it caused any problems? What do youthink about answering 911 with a recording? [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

911 Demonstrations

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] 911 Demonstrations From: [email protected]Date: 17 Jul 1997Time: 21:10:57Remote Name: Comments I am the Executive Director for a nonprofit in Cleveland OH. Iwas wondering if NENA chapters would participate in safety fairs,etc. promoting/teaching use of 911? My organization has a booth at a large children’s eventplanned for August 5th. As part of our interactive …

Re: Joint Communications/Consolidated Dispatch

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Joint Communications/Consolidated Dispatch From: Francois Horton, PretoriaDate: 03 Jun 1997Time: 09:48:40Remote Name: Comments I am currently conducting exactly the same type of exerciseand would be greatful to exchange information with yourself andany other person participating in this discussion. My e-mail address is [email protected] [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Re: Entrance Examainations

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Entrance Examainations From: Willis CarterDate: 17 Jul 1997Time: 12:31:53Remote Name: Comments Update on contact number for Profile Evaluations, Inc. It is(612)639-8778…sorry about that! [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Re: Entrance Examainations

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Entrance Examainations From: Willis CarterDate: 17 Jul 1997Time: 11:57:04Remote Name: Comments You may want to contact Profile Evaluations, Inc., P.O. Box409, St. Bonifacius, Minnesota. Speak with either Candice or BillSolie at (612) 446-9115. We have used their screening program forthe past 8-9 years and are pleased with the results. [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Re: 911 Center Staffing Levels

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: 911 Center Staffing Levels From: Willis CarterDate: 17 Jul 1997Time: 11:48:21Remote Name: Comments Dr. Joe Nasser, OMNICOM, INC., 930 Thomasville Rd, Suite 200,Tallahassee, Fl., (904)224-4451. Dr. Nasser performed a staffingstudy for the Shreveport Fire Department Communications Divisionand we were very pleased with the results. [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]