Wireless Bill is in the Legislature!

Wireless Legislation Introduced

ALNENA’s Legislative Committee reported at the January 15, 1998 Chapter meeting that the wireless funding bill had been introduced into the House and was expected to be introduced into the Senate that day.

The House Bill is #312, Senate #272

We’ll also post the full bill on-line soon. Highlights are as follows.

  • $1 service charge per month,per phone, state-wide
  • Wireless carriers keep 1% forcollecting the service charge
  • Divided among theCommunications Districts by percentage ofpopulation residing in each District. A checkwill come directly to each CommunicationsDistrict, including municipal Districts.
  • Creates a Commercial MobileRadio Service Emergency Telephone Services Board.(The Board)
  • The Board is 5 membersappointed by the Governor and confirmed by theSenate.
  • The Board may;
    • Receive all revenues derived from the service charge
    • Disburse the revenues as follows
      • 48.5% to theDistricts for use in normaloperations
      • 48.5% to aspecial account for eachDistrict… “used solelyfor the purpose of payment of theactual costs incurred by the ECDand CMRS providers in complyingwith the wireless E-911 servicerequirements established by theFCC order…”
    • Retain not more than 2% of the revenues for costs incurred in administering the act, including but not limited to, paying a third party to review and disburse the cost recovery funds.
  • Board members serve withoutcompensation but may be reimbursed for expenses.