Reference Information





Reference Information
The following reference documents are provided for use as background information and tools for public safety officials challenged with implementing wireless 9-1-1.  Some are links outside of the NENA web site, so just use your BACK button on your browser toolbar to return to the NENA Wireless 9-1-1 Web Pages.  Many documents are provided in Adobe PDF format; click here for instructions.

Wireless Matrix (NENA)–This report on Carrier Phase II Technology Plans is the first installment of a planned series of reports on wireless enhanced 9-1-1 emergency calling. The NENA Wireless Phase II Matrix that accompanies the report will be updated in three stages, as more and more technology plans are available on the FCC web site. Please return to the Matrix for updates for carriers. When the Matrix contains all of the wireless carriers, it will be marked final. (HTML)

Wireless Carrier Technology Plans (off-site link)–Reports from wireless carriers outlining implementation plans for Wireless E9-1-1 Phase II Automatic Location Identification (ALI). (HTML)

FCC Reports and Orders–Download the FCC’s Wireless 9-1-1 rulings from their web site. (HTML)

Wireless Checklist (NENA)–A NENA planning committee developed the NENA “Wireless 9-1-1 Checklist.” This checklist represents the combined experience and acquired knowledge of numerous parties involved in live implementations of wireless 9-1-1 across the nation. The team’s objective in developing this checklist was to create a simple, yet comprehensive set of action steps that any PSAP could use to guide their wireless implementation efforts.  This checklist will be modified as new knowledge is uncovered, and new versions will be released. (Adobe PDF; 47K)

Wireless Checklist (Florida)–While devised for Florida PSAPs, this checklist is very detailed and may provide good examples to the 9-1-1 community in general. (Adobe PDF; 920K)

Wireless 9-1-1 Requirements Fact Sheet (off-site link)–From the FCC’s E9-1-1 web site, this fact sheet is a great resource for basic information and requirements for Wireless E9-1-1 (Adobe PDF).

Wireless NENA News Articles–NENA News articles on various wireless 9-1-1 topics are available on the NENA News Online Archives.  Wireless articles are denoted by a W!. (HTML)

Wireless 9-1-1 Tragedies–NENA compiled a list of tragedies that have occurred due to the lack of wireless 9-1-1 services.  These true stories illustrate the critical need for wireless 9-1-1 implementation. (HTML)

Location Methods Defined (off-site link)–On the Alabama NENA web site, see simplified explanations and images illustrating the two methods of locating wireless phones: triangulation-based and GPS-based. (HTML)