Minutes of the Public Education Work Group

Minutes of the Public Education Work Group

February 17, 1998

Please note a change in the date for the next meeting. It was previously set for April 21. The State E911 Office has scheduled a mandatory staff development day for that day. The meeting is rescheduled to April 28, 1998.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 28, 1998 from 9:30-12 noon at the King County E911 Program Office, 7300 Perimeter Rd., Rm. 128, Seattle.

Present: Marlys Davis, King County E911 Program; Michelle Moore, SNOPAC; Suzi Funk-Crickmore, SNOCOM; Jody Borden, Southwest Communications; Dan Youmans, AT&T Wireless; and, Penelope Christopherson, State E911 Office. Teleconferencing: Teresa Bingman, Garfield County; Naomi Wu, Clallam County.

The meeting started at 9:30 a.m. at the King County E-911 Program Office, Seattle.


October Minutes. Approved as submitted.

Spanish Brochures. The State E911 Office has translated and provided layout for two Spanish-speaking brochures on basic 911 and enhanced 911 services.

Assignment: Penelope was asked to determine the number of Hispanics living in Washington and how they can be reached within the counties. This information is to be made available to the 911 county coordinators along with the brochure layout for county reproduction.

Harry Anderson, PSA 911 spokesperson

Suzi Funk-Crickmore reported that a breakout of all costs and the script will be provided by a movie producer working with Harry Anderson before work commences. These costs and the script are anticipated to be ready for the next Public Education Work Group Meeting scheduled in April. Harry Anderson wants to create a 35-mm film for theatres as his first project. Funk-Crickmore explained the concept of the film. The cost of this film footage if purchased would be approximately $20-$30k. Anderson would provide the State E911 Office one copy of the 35 mm which we would have to reproduce and make available to all movie theatres in Washington.

Harry Anderson also expressed his willingness to assist us in development of TV, radio public service announcements, which could be taken from the 35 mm script/production. Anderson has a special interest in producing a Saturday a.m. cartoon series on education of 9-1-1. Marlys Davis suggested Anderson’s interest in the Saturday cartoon series may be something we should pass on to National NENA.

Assignment: Suzi Funk-Crickmore will provide a copy of the script and a complete breakout of all costs associated in producing the 35 mm film before work commences.

Red E. Fox mascot costume

Larry Alvord, Skagit County, was not present to report on the costs and availability of the light weight Red E. Fox costume. He will be asked to provide an update at the April meeting. A plan to geographically distribute and warehouse the Red E. Fox costumes was developed for the October, 1997 public education work group meeting. It was suggested that it be used for when the costume is ready to be made available to the counties.

Assignment: Larry Alvord will report his findings on the lightweight Red E. Fox costume.

9-1-1 Day, 1998

Penelope asked public education work group members to begin thinking about what this group would like the counties to do to celebrate 9-1-1 Day in September this year. She felt something should be done this year when by law we should be fully enhanced since no one really did much for 1997.

Assignment: All members should come prepared with suggestions for the 1998 9-1-1 Day celebration by the April meeting.

Statewide 9-1-1 Celebration, 1999

Assignment: Penelope will verify the space available for booth displays at the Legislative Building (State Capitol) for the April, 1999 week long celebration.

911 Telephone Advertisement Placement

Marlys Davis provided a copy of the sample 9-1-1 public safety message and sample WAC language for review. A copy of the rewritten WAC is attached for your review and comment. Assignment: Please submit to Marlys Davis any changes no later than Friday, April 10. If we have not heard from you by Apr. 10th, we’ll trust the WAC is fine as written.

Follow-up Assignment: A letter will be mailed to all state telephone directory publishers and the Washington State Patrol in Washington state advising them of the introduction of the WAC language, soliciting their voluntary cooperation, and providing them an opportunity to respond to our process.

The meeting adjourned at 12 noon.