December, 1997 Minutes

February 5, 1998 Minutes

of the

National Emergency Number Association

Washington Chapter Meeting


Members present: Naomi Wu, PENCOM; John Isaac, Zetron; Hank Cramer, Bob Oenning, Allen Jakobitz, Penelope Christopherson, State E911 Office; Lynn Mell, XYPOINT; Michael Grossie, Jackie Melvin, MACC; David Harris, Walla Walla 911; Dennis English, Douglas County 911; Rosalie Parr, Ferry Co. 911; Andy Hahn, Paccom 911; Hans Kwast, Lewis County Communications; Ed Powell, Skamania County; Debby Boysen, Ken Replogle, Pacific Consulting Services; Roger Trump, Columbia County; Rick Foster, Clark Co. 911; Ed Carlson, Washington State Emergency Management Division

The meeting was called to order by President Mike Grossie of the Multi Agency Communications Center in Grant County at 1:05 p.m. at the Walla Walla 911 Center conference room in Walla Walla, Washington. Self introductions were made.

The Chapter’s Western Washington Vice President and Secretary positions will expire in May, and the Chapter is currently soliciting candidates interested in filling these positions.

Assignment: Naomi Wu, Rosalie Parr and Penelope Christopherson volunteered to serve on the Nomination Committee and will develop a slate of candidates for consideration.

December Meeting Minutes Approved

The December 4, 1997 minutes were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report

Washington State E911 administrator, Bob Oenning, gave the treasurer’s report in Treasurer Ken Back’s absence. Bob reported that $1,899.44 is the current fund balance. NENA lapel pins are now available at $3 each.

Secretary’s Report

In Secretary Larry Scott’s absence, Penelope Christopherson reported the addition of six new members, bringing the chapter membership total to 121. New members include: Pennee Body, Enumclaw PD; Dustin Frederick, King County PD Union; Roger Trump, Columbia County 911; Rod Proctor, Proctor & Associates; and, Mike Shannon, Northern Technologies, Inc.

State E911 Office Report

Bob Oenning stated the Senator West study has been completed. He reported that the State E911 Office is moving ahead in awarding contracts. There are still 11 Washington counties without enhanced 9-1-1 services. Enhanced 911 must be implemented by Dec. 31, 1998.

Bob informed NENA members that letters were mailed out from the State E911 Office under Jim Quackenbush’s signature as chair of the E911 Advisory Committee, reminding those counties who have not become enhanced of the pending deadline.

Oenning distributed a handout tracking legislative bills through the State E911 Office. He indicated that the State E911 Office was providing weekly updates of the bills’ progress for the 911 coordinators. He reported that HB 1207 has passed the House and is now over at the Senate for consideration. There are no amendments at this time. SHB 1126, the county bill, and what the Sen. West study was all about proposing 20 cents for the state for wireline is in Ways and Means now. There was an attempt to put language in the bill to take the Washington ANI requirement out and refer instead to the FCC ruling for ANI. HB2614, 5913 and 6138 – the language is identical for emergency communications systems. It is Kitsap County sponsored and provides for taxes. Oenning said this Friday, Feb. 8, was the first cutoff for bills introduced into technical committees but not for the finance bills.

Regarding SBHB 1126: It was suggested that NENA members get with local representative and make sure that the people who represent your territory understand the issues.

President’s Report

Mike Grossie reported that there would be no formal program at this meeting due to the inability of the scheduled speaker to travel to this meeting.

Subcommittee Reports


Bob Oenning reported in Jim Quackenbush’s absence that the Senator West study focused on the state tax and the State E911 Wireless Work Group addresses the local tax. The question arose as to what Washington NENA could do to support legislative action.

Mike Grossie and Bob Oenning were to draft a letter from the Washington State Chapter of NENA to all Washington-state lobbyists in public safety, communications and auxiliary interest asking for support in putting forth our message. Mike Grossie would then mail out the letter to these lobbyists as well as to all NENA members.

Allen Jakobitz compiled and submitted to the president a 110-page document listing those lobbyists doing business in Washington state.

Assignment: Based on the number of lobbyists identified by Jakobitz, it was determined, since the letter had not yet been issued, Mike Grossie and Bob Oenning would draft a letter to selected lobbyists. The secretary will include that letter with these minutes.


Jackie Melvin reported that the 1997 Education Program of the Year announcements were mailed to all NENA members and to all PSAPs and she encouraged members to get their nominations in as soon as possible. She stated she had only received one nomination to date.

She indicated that three judges had been identified and judging will take place in March.

Mike Grossie affirmed that Rod Proctor of Proctor & Associates volunteered to sponsor the May 1997 Education Program of the Year award luncheon in Goldendale and Al Kear, GTE, and Doug Gehrke, US West, will sponsor the individual and traveling award for the 1997 recipient winner.


Lynn Mell, XYPOINT, indicated that six members will be traveling to TELCO Vendor Conference, Mar. 1-4. The vendors will be providing updates from that conference. The next conference call is scheduled for Tuesday, March 24 at 10:30 a.m. That conference call will identify meeting topics to be researched based on the Telco Vendor Conference. If interested, call 206-205-0999 at 10:30 on the 24th to bridge into that conference call.

Old Business

Allen Jakobitz brought members attention to an article in NENA’s most current issue of the regional newsletter, Connections. An article was submitted for inclusion about the lifetime membership to former Pierce County 9-1-1 Coordinator Noel Mhyre for his achievements in Washington state. It was suggested that the Secretary check its membership listing to be certain Mhyre is receiving Washington Chapter minutes.

It was noted that a second article from Washington state was also included in the newsletter which was submitted by Cowlitz County on a 9-1-1 call for livestock.

New Business

Wireless Safety Month

Mike Grossie of MACC faxed to all NENA members public service announcements/letter to the editor received from National NENA in January to promote Wireless Safety Month. In a show of hands asking how many used the PSAs/Letter to the Editor to contact their local media, only MACC and the State E911 Office responded. It was noted that the faxes went out late in the month from National NENA.

1999 Statewide 911 Enhancement Celebration

It was suggested at the December NENA meeting that a subcommittee be formed, comprised of chairs of existing NENA committees and other interested parties, to propose type of activity and level of involvement in the statewide celebration. Displays of the three NENA committees: public education, technology and legislation could be developed. Present 1998 Education Program of the Year award winner and introduce past winners. Lynn Mell, XYPoint, and Jackie Melvin, MACC, expressed an interest in working on this committee.

Mike Grossie indicated he approached Doug Gehrke, US West, to chair a committee of interested vendors in developing displays, highlighting Washington industries, and Doug expressed his willingness to do so.

Update from the Washington Criminal Justice Training Commission (WCJTC)

Robin Osberg of WCJTC distributed an update from the Training Commission on the job task analysis. She asked members to note on their calendar that the next CT10 class will be hosted April 13-17 at the Training Commission.

May NENA Meeting

Allen Jakobitz indicated the May NENA meeting will take place in Goldendale on May 7. In addition to the installation of chapter officers for 1998-99 and recognition of and the 1997 recipient of the Education Program of the Year Award, the program will also focus on mapping. Spokane County will showcase a map viewer. Different levels of mapping will be also be available for viewing. Sue Pivetta, Professional Pride, who was to have addressed this meeting about her week in Argentina in assisting that country with its 9-1-1 issues, is willing to be available to speak at the May meeting.

It will be a luncheon meeting, hosted by Rod Proctor of Proctor & Associates. The meeting location is yet to be determined.

Legislative Issues

A question was asked about information on the status of the polygraph issue. No one was aware of any legislation or action. It was mentioned that Jim Quackenbush, Thurston County, was following this issue.

Hans Kwast, Lewis County, asked if a WAC could be introduced for 911 centers not associated with a police department to have access to NCIC records. Discussion ensued. NCIC records are not governed by state law.


Jane Bissonnette is leaving XYPoint but is retaining her membership with NENA.

Members were asked to put their business card in a drawing for vendor giveaways. All complied, and many were gifted.

The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m. Tours of the Walla Walla 9-1-1 Center were given by Dave Harris. A no-host dinner was scheduled at 6 p.m. at Jacoby’s , The Depot in Walla Walla that evening. These minutes were prepared by Penelope Christopherson in Larry Scott’s absence.

Attachment (letter to lobbyists)
