Report Card to the Nation

RCN Congressional Summary
RCN Questions & Responses
RCN Backgrounder
RCN Commission Members
RCN Press Release





NENA 9-1-1
Report Card to the Nation

NENA’s Report Card to the Nation Press Conference Tuesday morning in Washington, DC was a success, although understandable overshadowed by the events that unfolded following the conference. The debut of this first-ever report about the current state and future of 9-1-1 in America drew attention from many National media outlets and members of congress. Click on the links below to see the press releases (Adobe PDF) from each Congressperson’s office:

Senator Wayne Allard (CO)

Congressman Gene Green (TX)

Senator Conrad Burns (MT)

Additional Information:

USA Today 9-1-1 Snapshot Graphic (PDF)

Washington Post Article: Surge in Cell Phone Calls Strains 911 System, Report Says; by Manual Roig-Franzia (PDF)

A Special Thank You
NENA and the RCN Commission would like to thank RCN sponsors Intrado, SBC Communications, Kaiser Permanente, BellSouth, and American Public Communications Council for their support of this landmark project. NENA also extends a special thank you to Intrado for their in-kind support of the media relations efforts for the project.
