NENA Connections Newsletter






Connections Newsletter

Connections is a quarterly newsletter designed to provide useful tools for management for PSAP managers and professionals in public safety communications. Divided into different areas of 9-1-1 management, the newsletter provides NENA members with topical developments with an emphasis on the practical applications of 9-1-1 and PSAP Management.

Connections is published in spring, summer, autumn and winter of each year. 


Editorial Guidelines. Articles submitted for publication in Connections should share the following attributes:

  1. Articles should be brief and concise descriptions of practical solutions or developments that directly affect PSAP management.
  2. Articles should highlight the traditional regional flavor of the activity or development.
  3. Articles should discover a current or immediate event or development.
  4. Articles may contain professional development and achievement stories.
  5. Articles should be typed, single-spaced, in 12 pt. text and void of special formatting. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected], or mailed on disk with hard copy to the NENA National Office. All items submitted should be in IBM-PC readable format. Pictures and graphics are encouraged and should be emailed as attachments or sent on disk.
  6. Submitted articles will be reviewed by the Connections editor and publisher prior to acceptance for publication.
  7. All articles are subject to editing for style, clarity and length.

Information, articles, regional news, calendar items and photographs for Connections should be emailed to [email protected], faxed to (614) 933-0911, or mailed to NENA Headquarters.