Editorial Guidelines




































NENA News Editorial/Submission Guidelines


The NENA News is the seminal trade journal dealing with technical and management issues that effect 9-1-1 and emergency communications. Articles should be submitted by NENA members and prominent members of the telecommunications and public safety industries.

NENA News magazine is published quarterly in spring, summer autumn and winter.

Editorial Guidelines. Articles submitted for consideration for publication in the NENA News should have the following attributes:

  1. The article should not include commercial promotion elements.
  2. The article should describe a current and significant development in 9-1-1 technology or management and have long-term relevance with an emphasis on theory and principles of 9-1-1 operations.
  3. Feature articles should be 1,000 to 3,000 words in length (including biography and contact information), typed, single-spaced, in 12 pt. text and void of special formatting. Pictures and graphics are encouraged and should be emailed as separate attachments or sent on disk. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected], or mailed on disk with hard copy to NENA Headquarters. All items submitted should be in IBM-PC readable format.
  4. The Vendor News section is a forum in which commercial members of the industry may share press releases or news briefs. Vendor News articles should be formatted and submitted as above (no faxes please), with a maximum length of 325 words, including biography and contact information. NENA reserves the right to edit Vendor News articles as necessary.
  5. Submitted articles will be reviewed by the NENA News editor and publisher prior to acceptance for publication.
  6. All articles are subject to editing for style, clarity and length.

At the editor and publisher’s discretion, authors of substantive articles chosen for publication are awarded a framed print of the NENA News issue cover and the initial page of the article.

NENA News articles should be submitted electronically to [email protected] or mailed on disk to Sonya Carius at NENA Headquarters.


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Updated: 02/04/2002 02:31:10 PM -0500