Focus on the Public Safety Professional!


The National Emergency Number Association is committed to our current and potential members! We at NENA strive to provide the opportunity to participate in a membership program that will enhance productivity AND increase the ability to perform successfully as a public safety professional in our fast-paced industry. As we all know, the public safety industry is constantly evolving, and we as a 9-1-1 organization must continue to shape and mold our membership program to meet the needs of the public safety community.

The 2002 NENA Membership slogan is “Future Focus…It’s Your Year!” You’ll be hearing this slogan and seeing the above logo throughout the course of this year. NENA will launch several new membership initiatives this year–all with the goal of keeping the focus on our current and potential members. NENA is dedicated to putting the focus on you, the current member, and on you, the potential member, to determine how the NENA membership can become a vital tool in your success as a public safety professional.

We have several new initiatives to help launch the “Future Focus…It’s Your Year!” program. In addition to the initial programs we will be promoting, NENA will continue rolling out other initiatives throughout 2002 that will work to not only increase our membership, but will also continue to develop our membership into a tool that will help you achieve continued success as a public safety professional! 

NENA Needs Assessment Program

NENA will conduct an industry-wide needs assessment program that will determine the “how, why, what and who” of public safety organizational membership. Key questions that will be answered:

What is the most important reason a person joins a public safety organization?

What is the most important way a person utilizes his or her membership to a public safety organization?

Who is the typical member of a public safety organization?

These and other key questions will be answered through our needs assessment program, and the information garnered through this program will lend to NENA membership development.