Mentoring Program


Have you ever thought about taking someone under your wing? Many celebrities have mentored aspiring people in their fields over the years (Colonel Sanders mentored Dave Thomas, Mike Wallace mentored Barbara Walters), but you do not have to be a celebrity to become a mentor. NENA’s Annual Conference in Indianapolis will be the start of a new program NENA hopes will spread throughout our membership.

Many communication centers across the country are facing staffing problems. One common reason for the high turnover rate is employees retiring or resigning. Some centers have been faced with entire shift losses over the past year. One method to help combat some turnover issues is to help guide employees in their public safety career path.

Therefore, NENA has developed an annual conference program for public safety professionals to kick-start their own mentoring programs within their 9-1-1 centers. The NENA Annual Conference in Indianapolis will help begin the program.

This program will allow current active members who are managers, supervisors, directors and coordinators attending the Indianapolis conference the ability to bring one aspiring manager, supervisor, etc. to the conference with them at a discounted rate. This allows the mentor to introduce the mentee into the world of a 9-1-1 professional. The mentor would help acquaint the mentee to the many educational, networking and exhibit offerings of the NENA conference. In doing so, the mentor and mentee will gain valuable knowledge from each other and the conference.

This is a terrific way in which to develop your employee’s career and, at the same time, give back to our industry! If you are interested in participating in this new program, please review the following eligibility requirements:

1. Mentor must be a current Active-category member of NENA.
2. Mentor must be a manager, supervisor, director or coordinator in public safety.
3. Mentor is only allowed one mentee.
4. Mentee must be a NENA first-time annual conference attendee.
5. Mentee must be a NENA member or become a NENA member.
6. Mentee must work for the same agency as the mentor.
7. Mentee must be on track to move into a managerial role.

To attend the conference under the Mentoring Program, please complete the appropriate information on the NENA Annual Conference Registration Form on page 23 of this brochure. Note: All Mentee registration forms are subject for approval under the NENA eligibility requirements. Questions? Please call NENA at 1-800-332-3911.