Tentative Schedule of Events9-1-1 Goes to Washington

February 22-24
Grand Hyatt, 1000 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.

Sunday, February 22, 2004


NENA Classes and Leadership Forums


NENA Reception at the Hyatt

Monday, February 23, 2004

8:50 a.m. Welcome
Richard Taylor, NENA President
Constitution CDE Corridor
9:00 a.m.

Morning Keynote:  The Dept. of Commerce’s Role in E9-1-1
John Kneuer, Counselor to the Acting Assistant Secretary,
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)

Constitution CDE Corridor

9:30 a.m.

Panel Discussion:  Perspectives on the Federal Role and Partnerships with Local Public and Private Entities
Moderator: John Muleta, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Chief, FCC
Panelists:  Dr. David Boyd, Director of Project SAFECOM, Dept. of Homeland Security; Michael Howse, President & CEO, PacketHop, Inc., Jonas Neihardt, Vice President, Qualcomm; David Jones, ENP, Second Vice President, NENA
Constitution CDE Corridor

10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m.

Panel Discussion:  Finalizing Legislation to Advance E9-1-1
Panelists:  Howard Waltzman, Majority Counsel, House Energy and Commerce Committee; Pete Filon, Minority Staff, House Energy and Commerce Committee; Mike Rawson, Senior Policy Advisor, Senator Conrad Burns; James Assey, Minority Senior Counsel, Senate Commerce Committee; Jason Mahler, Representative Anna Eshoo; Greg Rohde, Executive Director, E9-1-1 Institute; James Hobson, NENA Counsel
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12:00 p.m.

Afternoon Keynote:  The Future of 9-1-1
The Honorable Michael Powell, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
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12:30 p.m.

Luncheon Address:  Homeland Security from the Citizens’ Perspective
Roslyn Docktor, Council for Excellence in Government

Afternoon Understanding Grants and Congress:  Participants will learn from key industry and public sector leaders about grant writing, available foundation money as well as Congressional earmarks.
1:30 p.m.

Federal Programs and Public Safety Grant Availability
Chris Gilmore, Motorola

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Department of Homeland Security
Jay Roorback, Department of Homeland Security                                   
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2:45p.m. Break

Congressional Earmarks and 9-1-1?
John Melcher/Greater Harris County; Ron Bonneau, Matteson, Illinois
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Federal Grants for States
Dorothy Spears-Dean, Virginia E9-1-1 Office

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Washington Update and Action:
Review of Legislative Activity and Capitol Hill Visits
Steve Seitz, NENA Government Affairs Director

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Tuesday, February 24, 2004


E9-1-1 Institute Capitol Hill staff issues luncheon


E9-1-1 Caucus/Institute evening reception and awards ceremony