Internet Committee


Next Meeting Wednesday, September 3, 1997 – 10a.m. Central
Dial-In Number & Access Code will be sent to you via email

If at all possible, please be able to accessthe Internet during the call.


Work Flow

  • NENA Staff – Tim Rorris & Kathie Cesa 1 hour each per day
  • Internet Committee – ?

Home page design (sample)

  • Basic Layout
  • Design Considerations
    • Screen resolution
    • Browser
    • Modem Speed
    • Graphics
    • Animations
  • Tim Rorris – I can not make the counter copy to the sample page. Can you help with this? I thought it could go in the table cell with the logos?

Main Page design

  • Used for the Home Page of different areas such as Committees, ENP, Conference, etc
  • What menu should be included?
    • Shorter version of main menu + menu for the sub-area?

Sub-page design

  • Include a menu specific to that sub area with maybe just a HOME choice?
  • Move all existing pages to new format / design?
  • Post templates for use by various authors to ensure consistency in future

General Issues

  • Re-organize the Site
    • Create subdirectories and/or subwebs
    • Move existing files (400+) to new directories
  • Email address for the committee – for questions and/or comments.
    • Bob Tilden – another listserver for those interested in web design such as this committee and chapter webmasters?
  • Re-install extensions to get search page to work – no word list created?