NENA Committees


Committee Chairperson
Accessibility Issues Toni Dunne
Accreditation Standards Patty McGeary
Constitution & Bylaws David Yandell
Education Advisory Board Eric Parry
Internet John Ellison
Membership Jim McCausland
National Resource Center Bill Hinkle
NENA Institute Jim Beutelspacher
Nominating Bill Munn
Regulatory S. Robert Miller
Technical Committee Liaison Billy Ragsdale
Wireless Industry Liaison John Melcher
Technical Committee Chairperson
Data Barb Thornburg
PSAP/CPE Billy Ragsdale
Private Switch/ALEC Roger Hixson
Wireless/Network Standards Bob Gojanovich

Accessibility Issues Committee

The Accessibility Issues Committee serves as a collective resource to the NENA membership for the elimination of real or perceived barriers when accessing 9-1-1 emergency assistance by identifying and disseminating information on accessibility regulations, technology, and training for 9-1-1 answering points and for people who use assistive telecommunication devices.

Goals: Collect, develop and disseminate information relative to accessibility issues in the emergency 9-1-1 communications environment.

Provide information and feedback to manufacturers of 9-1-1 and assistive telecommunications equipment for the purpose of improving product technology and performance.

Educate the membership and user of assistive telephone devices on technology, program and techniques being developed to accomplish full accessibility of 9-1-1.

Develop consumer education materials on emergency access by people with disabilities for the NENA membership to use with their populations.

Recommend programs for the National Conference.

Submit articles to private and public information systems publications.

Chairperson: Toni D. Dunne
Texas 9-1-1 Commission
Suite 2-212, 333 Guadalupe St.
Austin TX 78701

(512) 305-6918; Fax (512) 305-6937

E-mail: [email protected]

or [email protected]

Accreditation Standards

The Accreditation Standards Committee has been established to develop nationally recognized PSAP/9-1-1 system operational standards which members and organizations can use to as a benchmark to measure themselves against and receive recognition for attaining and maintaining those standards through an accreditation program.

Goals: Maintain the on-line discussion forum established on the NENA website.

Chairperson: Patricia McGeary
Sacramento City Police Dept.
111  Bercut Drive
Sacramento, CA  95814

(916) 264-8107 Fax (914) 264-7770

E-mail: [email protected]

Constitution & Bylaws Committee

The function of the Constitution & Bylaws Committee is to review and recommend revisions of NENA’s Constitution & Bylaws on an annual basis. Also, the liaison monitors organizational activities to assure that the Constitution & Bylaws are followed in accord with both the letter and spirit of the document.

Goals: Present appropriate necessary revisions to the NENA Board for review at the Spring Board meeting and subsequent distribution to full membership as required.

Address any issues questioned by the membership in a timely manner to ensure compliance with the current Constitution & Bylaws Article VII, Procedures.

Chairperson: David C. Yandell, ENP
Oregon Emergency Management Div.
Section Director
595 Cottage Street NE
Salem OR 97310

(503) 378-2911; Fax (503) 588-1378

Education Advisory Board

The Education Advisory Board has been appointed to expand and ensure NENA’s educational programs and courses meet our members’ needs. This committee’s purpose is at the core of NENA’s mission.

Publish a Technical Series of articles and distribute to the NENA membership.

Compile and study the results of the education survey conducted at the Baltimore National Conference.

Explore other methods of education to be offered to NENA members.

Chairperson: Eric Parry, ENP
Criterion Consulting Services
4681 – 54 A Street
Delta, BC
Canada V4K 2Z9

(604) 961-2943; Fax (604) 940-6012

International Committee

The International Committee was created to promote NENA and the concept of “One Nation – One Number” throughout the world.

Goals: Increase awareness of NENA throughout the world.

Establish international links.

Submit articles for the NENA News about emergency call centers worldwide.

Develop the international aspects of the national conference.


Internet Committee

The Internet Committee has been established to oversee the development and maintenance of the NENA website and to explore options to explore other internet related technology to serve the membership.

Goals: Organize the NENA website;

Establish a consistent “look & feel” throughout the website;

Operate an e-mail list server;

Work with the NENA Committee Chairs to facilitate the presentation of information developed by the committees on the website.

Chairperson: John Ellison
Shelby County 9-1-1
Executive Director
508 Highway 70
Columbiana AL 35051

(205) 669-1911; Fax (205) 669-1913

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee has been established to calculate, expand and promote the association’s membership growth.

Goals: To increase membership.

To create active participation by NENA chartered Chapters.

To create an ongoing membership program and campaign.

Chairperson: Jim McCausland
Bell Atlantic
Applications Specialist
3rd Floor, 901 Tatnall Street
Wilmington DE 19801

(302) 576-5252; Fax (302) 576-0438

National Resource Center

The National Resource Center has been established to provide NENA members with valuable and timely resource materials in critical areas of 9-1-1. The NRC contents are divided into three (3) categories:

  1. Wireless legislation, contents include a compilation of wireless legislation, as well as a national summary which depicts the current status of each state’s legislative efforts.
  2. National Telecommunications Training Standards, contents include a national summary and overview map detailing the current status of Telecommunicator training standards. Also, in those states that have established state standards the actual legislation is available.
  3. Privacy Legislation, this section of the NRC contains a national map overview, legislative information, and related articles regarding states that have been successful in passing legislation that limits and/or restricts random public access to 9-1-1 tape recordings and records.

Goals: Our committee goals are to continue with our mission to encourage and support states in their efforts to establish Telecommunicator Training Standards throughout the nation. The more difficult and time consuming challenge is to continue to build on the information that we have by keeping it updated and meaningful.

Chairperson: William H. Hinkle
Hamilton County Communications Center
Operations Director
2377 Civic Center Drive
Cincinnati OH 45231

(513) 825-2170; Fax (513) 595-8457

NENA Institute Board

The NENA Institute Board is responsible for the oversight of the certification process, including the preparation and administration of the Emergency Number professional exam.

Goals: Guide NENA’s ENP Certification Program

Update and expand the item bank

Review the 1998 ENP examinations

Promote ENP certification to 9-1-1 professionals

Operate the ENP program at breakeven or slight profit

Communicate with NENA members, ENP recipients and the NENA Executive Board.

Chairperson: Jim Beutelspacher, ENP
State of MN/ Dept. of Admn. 9-1-1 Prog.
500 COB, 658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN  55155

(612) 296-7104; Fax (612) 297-5368

Nominating Committee

The function of the Nominating Committee is to present a slate of candidates to the Executive Board for presentation to the membership in accordance with the organization’s Constitution & Bylaws. Committee membership is specified in the Bylaws Article IV, Committees Section One.

Goals: Meet all dates for collection, qualification, and publication of candidates for National Office.

Include at least two candidates for each office when submitting the slate of nominees to the National Executive Board.

Chairperson: Bill Munn, ENP
Tarrant County 9-1-1 Emergency
Lockbox 123, Suite 420
100 E. 15th Street
Fort Worth, TX  76102

(817) 334-0311; Fax (817) 882-0500

Regulatory Committee

The Regulatory Committee serves as a resource to the NENA Board and membership for legislative and regulatory issues affecting the delivery of 9-1-1 telecommunications service.

Goals: Monitor and disseminate information on federal legislative and regulatory activities.

Participate in Federal forums to ensure the development of quality and cost effective public policy as it relates to 9-1-1.

Recommend to the NENA Board when formal intervention is needed in regulatory matters.

Chairperson: S. Robert Miller
NENA Technical Issues Director
26 Valleybrook Court
Blackwood, NJ  08012

(609) 401-2020; Fax (609) 401-2022

E-Mail: [email protected]

Wireless Industry Liaison

The Wireless Industry Liaison acts as the information conduit between wireless trade association groups, such as CTIA, PCIA, TIA, and the NENA Technical Liaison. The Committee chairperson gathers data and standards from the Technical Committee Chairpersons for the purpose of disseminating technical information to groups outside of NENA.

Goals: Coordinate effective communications and consensus between NENA and other technically oriented groups and associations regarding the development and implementation of wireless standards.

Maintain communication and cooperation with APCO and NASNA on wireless standards issues.

Liaison: John R. Melcher
Director, Management Information Systems
Greater Harris County 9-1-1 Emerg. Network
602 Sawyer, Suite 710
Houston, TX 77007

(713) 625-9911; Fax (713) 684-9911

Technical Committee Liaison

The Technical Committee Liaison appoints Technical Committee Chairpersons to focus on select segments of the public safety industry. The Technical Liaison role is to coordinate and ensure continuity of technical problem solving efforts and to aid in steering technical issues to the proper Technical Committee for action. Although new Technical Committees may be created when warranted, current knowledge requirements and technology complexities have resulted in the following Technical Committees:

  • Data
  • Private Switch/ALEC
  • Wireless/Network Standards

Chairperson: Billy Ragsdale
Specialist – E9-1-1
Rm. 430, 430-7 Executive Park Drive
Atlanta GA 30329

(404) 329-4146; Fax (404) 325-2798

Technical Committee – Data

The Data Standards committee has the following charter:

  • Minimize costs incurred in provisioning emergency service data bases.
  • Ensure the timely activation of emergency service data bases.
  • Ensure accurate and consistent provisioning of Automatic Location Identification (ALI) data
  • Enable network and data compatibility for system integration of emergency communication products and services
  • Contribute to our communities through promotion of teamwork.


  • Obtain approval of a new Data Base Maintenance set of standards
  • Develop a 9-1-1 Mapping standard
  • Update NENA 02-006 “Recommended Standards for Service Provider Local Number Portability” to provide more guidance
  • Create pseudo ANI, ALI record format and content recommendations
  • Develop articles on a regular basis of NENA News

Chairperson: Barbara Thornburg
Geo-Comm Corporation
Communications Manager
4735 Minnesota Lane North
Plymouth MN 55446

(612) 553-7879; Fax (612) 553-9946

Technical – PSAP/CPE

The mission of the PSAP/CPE Technical Committee is to promote technological advances in CPE and develop standards to ensure compatibility. Some of the functions of the CPE Technical Committee are to provide recommendations for technical standards and solutions as it pertains to CPE and work closely with standard setting bodies to gain industry acceptance. The CPE Technical Committee actively takes part in 9-1-1 Technical Development Conferences and provides leadership for Technical Tracks.

Work in progress under the CPE Technical Committee reflects the following study group structure.

ISDN- Study Group – Joint with Network Technical Committee

iWS – Integrated Work Station Study Group

ALI Standard Format – Study Group – Joint with Data Technical Committee

New Protocol Development – Study Group

Chairperson: Billy Ragsdale
Specialist – E9-1-1
Rm. 430, 430-7 Executive Park Drive
Atlanta GA 30329

(404) 329-4146; Fax (404) 325-2798

Technical – Private Switch/ALEC

This technical committee is chartered with making recommendations and/or reports to the Technical Committee Liaison relative to integration of these users in the emergency communications service delivery process.

Chairperson: Roger C. Hixson
Ameritech Ohio
Area Manager E9-1-1 Service Mgt. Center
Room 1306, 111 N. 4th Street
Columbus OH 43215

(614) 223-7687; Fax (614) 223-6060

Technical – Network/Wireless Standards

The Mission of the NENA Network Technical Committee is to review and develop recommendations for technical standards, technical policies and technical information bulletins related to the architecture, interfaces, and operation of 9-1-1 emergency telecommunications networks.

The Committee is organized into two sub-committees, one addressing Network issues and one addressing Wireless issues. Both sub-committees operate a number of Study Groups, assigned to develop recommendations in specific areas. The Study Groups change from year to year as issues are settled, recommendations published, and new issues arise.

The Network Technical Committee also supplies Network and Wireless Track Coordinators for the Technical Development conferences.

Chairperson: Bob Gojanovich
Bell Atlantic – New Jersey
Manager 9-1-1 Service Management
777 Parkway Avenue
Ewing NJ 08618

(609) 599-8222; Fax (609) 771-6022